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[发布日期]:2024-09-02  [浏览次数]:

一、主题:Employee Stock Ownership Plans and Corporate Strategic Aggressiveness

二、汇报人:乔靖媛 2019级金融学博士研究生


四、报告简介:我院博士研究生乔靖媛与73882亚洲必赢吴锴副教授合作的论文《Employee Stock Ownership Plans and Corporate Strategic Aggressiveness》经过评审应邀参加“2024第三届国际金融年会”。乔靖媛同学将在校内就该参会论文做出学术报告。

五、报告摘要:This study examines the impact of employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) on corporate strategic aggressiveness in Chinese listed firms. Using a sample of 23,873 firm-year observations from 2011 to 2022, we find that adopting ESOPs is positively associated with measures of strategic aggressiveness. This effect is more pronounced in firms with lower pay disparity between executives and employees, less internationally experienced boards, and higher levels of social trust. Our results suggest that ESOPs can align employee and shareholder interests, foster long-term orientation, and encourage risk-taking, influencing corporate strategy. The findings highlight the importance of considering contextual factors when studying the implications of employee ownership.

六、参加会议简介:国际金融年会( Annual International Finance Conference,AIFC)的发起单位为南昌大学和亚太应用经济协会(Asia-Pacific Applied Economics Association,APAEA)。自2022年以来,AIFC已成功举办两届,参会人员来自国内外知名高校、科研机构组织。2024年7月12日至14日,第三届国际金融年会在南昌举办,年会主题涵盖亚太及全球范围的相关金融研究话题,会议支撑期刊包括《Pacific-Basin Finance Journal》、《系统工程理论与实践》等。





上一条:73882亚洲必赢2025年春季学期院级国际交换生项目(荷兰蒂尔堡大学)申请通知 下一条:2024级金融学(北京外国语大学英语专业联培)方向新生入学分流拟录取结果公示
