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Ling Cen | 应用金融系第5期Seminar暨第317期73882亚洲必赢双周学术论坛

[发布日期]:2020-10-05  [浏览次数]:

一、主题:Speed Matters: Limited Attention and Supply-Chain Information Diffusion

二、主讲人:Ling Cen(岑岭),香港中文大学商学院副教授(终身教职)。在就职于中大商学院之前,他曾为加拿大多伦多大学罗特曼管理学院的副教授(终身教职)。Ling Cen的主要研究领域为“供应链关系对企业和投资决策的影响”、“金融市场中的信息生产和传递”以及“买方和卖方分析师在金融市场中的作用”。目前,他已在国际顶级期刊上发表论文数十篇,包括Journal of Finance Economics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, The Accounting Review, Management Science,Review of Finance等。

三、时间:2020年10月12日星期一,9:30 - 12:00
四、地点:腾讯会议 会议 ID:315 444 055


Speed Matters: Limited Attention and Supply-Chain Information Diffusion

We develop a new measure for the speed of firm-level information diffusion in stock prices and study its determinants and implications. Using local flu epidemics as exogenous attention shocks, we show that inattention from dual-covering analysts and cross-holding institutions decreases the speed of information diffusion from customers to suppliers. Supply-chain information diffusion matters for investors and firms: we document that information diffusion speed drives customer momentum strategies, affects the price feedback effect for corporate investment decisions, and enhances supply-chain coordination. Our findings demonstrate that attention from key information intermediaries affects information efficiency with important implications for real economic outcomes.


附件: CV和论文

  • 附件【paper_speed.pdf】已下载
  • 附件【CV_LingCen.pdf】已下载

上一条:陈宇子 | 应用金融系第6期Seminar暨第318期73882亚洲必赢双周学术论坛 下一条:刘志阔 | 国际金融系第4期Seminar暨73882亚洲必赢双周学术论坛第316期
