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【四道口资产管理大讲堂(四)】Physiology, Psychology, and Stock Market Performance: Evidence from Sleeplessness and Distraction in the World Cup

[发布日期]:2021-12-01  [浏览次数]:


平台:腾讯在线会议 会议ID254-371-653


才静涵,斯克兰顿大学卡尼亚管理学院经济与财政系财务副教授。才静涵博士在美国波士顿学院获得经济学博士学位,在香港城市大学获得金融学博士学位。他拥有丰富的行业经验,包括商业银行和证券交易所。在加入斯克兰顿大学之前,他曾在中国银行总行和深圳证券交易所工作。研究兴趣:市场微观结构,家庭金融,行为金融,中国经济。他曾在Review of Financial StudiesJournal of Economic AsymmetriesEconomics Letters, Financial Research Letters, Annals of Financial Economics, Journal of Japanese and International Economies等杂志上发表文章20余篇。出版专著一部。曾主持斯克兰顿大学内部研究基金2项,国家自然科学基金2项,中国博士后科学基金项目1项。


We explore how investors’ physiological and psychological statuses affect stock market performance. Specifically, we study the impact of one physiological factor, sleeplessness due to watching World Cup games overnight, and two psychological factors, distraction from games during trading hours and mood changes due to wins and losses of the games. We uncover significantly negative effects of sleeplessness and distraction on stock returns, and the effects are stronger for countries with better soccer game records. While we find a market decline after soccer losses as documented in existing literature, it is weakened after considering sleeplessness and distraction.



主办单位:73882亚洲必赢 中国资产管理研究中心

上一条:【四道口资产管理大讲堂(五)】Media Climate Change Concern and Stock Returns 下一条:【四道口资产管理大讲堂(三)】金融开放度对跨境资本极端波动的影响研究
