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Review of Finance 2020年第4期

[发布日期]:2020-10-09  [浏览次数]:

* Corporate Governance in China: A Survey
* 中国的公司治理:调查研究
* Internal Capital Markets in Times of Crisis: The Benefit of Group Affiliation
* 危机时期的内部资本市场:集团关系的好处
* Margin Trading and Comovement During Crises
* 危机期间的保证金交易和联动关系
* How Do Internal Capital Markets Work? Evidence from the Great Recession
* 内部资本市场如何运作? 来自经济大萧条的证据
* Do Corporate Governance Ratings Change Investor Expectations? Evidence from Announcements by Institutional Shareholder Services
* 公司治理评级会改变投资者的期望吗?来自机构股东服务公告的证据
* Reaching for Yield in the ABS Market: Evidence from German Bank Investments
* 在ABS市场上达到收益:德国银行投资的证据 



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