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[发布日期]:2020-12-10  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis ? Volume 55 - Issue 6 - September 2020
作者:Peter Cziraki (University of Toronto Department of Economics);Moqi Groen-Xu (London School of Economics Department of Finance)
CEO Turnover and Volatility under Long-Term Employment Contracts
Peter Cziraki (University of Toronto Department of Economics), Moqi Groen-Xu (London School of Economics Department of Finance)
We study the role of the contractual time horizon of chief executive officers (CEOs) for CEO turnover and corporate policies. Using hand-collected data on 3,954 fixed-term CEO contracts, we show that remaining time under contract predicts CEO turnover. When contracts are close to expiration, turnover is more likely and is more sensitive to performance. We also show a positive within-CEO relation between remaining time under contract and firm risk. Our results are similar across short and long contracts and are driven neither by firm or CEO survival, nor technological cycles. They are consistent with incentives to take long-term projects with interim volatility.

中国资产管理研究中心 -2992- 限价指令市场上的流动性和信息
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis ? Volume 55 - Issue 6 - September 2020
作者:Ioanid Ro?u (HEC Paris)
Liquidity and Information in Limit Order Markets
Ioanid Ro?u (HEC Paris)
How does informed trading affect liquidity in limit order markets, where traders can choose between market orders (demanding liquidity) and limit orders (providing liquidity)? In a dynamic model, informed trading overall helps liquidity: A higher share of informed traders i) improves liquidity as proxied by the bid–ask spread and market resiliency, and ii) has no effect on the price impact of orders. The model generates other testable implications, and suggests new measures of informed trading.

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis ? Volume 55 - Issue 6 - September 2020
作者:Francisco Barillas (University of New South Wales School of Banking and Finance);Raymond Kan (University of Toronto Rotman School of Management)Cesare Robotti (University of Warwick Business School);Jay Shanken (Emory University Goizueta Business School and National Bureau of Economic Research)
摘要:本文说明当模型错误定价的程度由平方后的夏普比率改进措施测度时,如何进行模型比较的渐近有效检验。这相当于根据最大夏普比率对模型进行排名,有效地扩展了Gibbons、Ross和Shanken(1989)检验,以适应非嵌套模型的比较。模拟投资组合可以替代任何非交易模型因素,并在统计推断中考虑了投资组合权重的估计误差。Fama和French(2018) 6因子模型的一个变体,即通常价值价差的每月更新版本,成为主导模型。
Model Comparison with Sharpe Ratios
Francisco Barillas (University of New South Wales School of Banking and Finance), Raymond Kan (University of Toronto Rotman School of Management), Cesare Robotti (University of Warwick Business School), Jay Shanken (Emory University Goizueta Business School and National Bureau of Economic Research)
We show how to conduct asymptotically valid tests of model comparison when the extent of model mispricing is gauged by the squared Sharpe ratio improvement measure. This is equivalent to ranking models on their maximum Sharpe ratios, effectively extending the Gibbons, Ross, and Shanken (1989) test to accommodate the comparison of nonnested models. Mimicking portfolios can be substituted for any nontraded model factors, and estimation error in the portfolio weights is taken into account in the statistical inference. A variant of the Fama and French (2018) 6-factor model, with a monthly updated version of the usual value spread, emerges as the dominant model.

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis ? Volume 55 - Issue 6 - September 2020
作者:Onur Bayar(University of Texas at San Antonio College of Business);Thomas J. Chemmanur(Boston College Carroll School of Management);Xuan Tian(Tsinghua University PBC School of Finance)
Peer Monitoring, Syndication, and the Dynamics of Venture Capital Interactions: Theory and Evidence
Onur Bayar(University of Texas at San Antonio College of Business), Thomas J. Chemmanur(Boston College Carroll School of Management), Xuan Tian(Tsinghua University PBC School of Finance)
We develop a theoretical model providing a new rationale for venture capitalist (VC) syndicate formation and empirically test our model predictions. An entrepreneur obtains financing and two different value-adding inputs from a single VC or from two different VCs, each operating in his area of expertise. We characterize the entrepreneur’s equilibrium choice between contracting with a single VC, individually with multiple VCs, or with a VC syndicate. We show that syndicates mitigate VCs’ moral hazard problem in value addition. We also analyze the dynamics of VC syndicate composition. The results of our empirical analysis are consistent with our model’s predictions.

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis ? Volume 55 - Issue 6 - September 2020
作者:Anders Anderson (Swedish House of Finance, Stockholm School of Economics);Howard Jones (Sa?d Business School, University of Oxford);José Vicente Martinez (University of Connecticut School of Business)
Measuring the Added Value of Stock Recommendations
Anders Anderson (Swedish House of Finance, Stockholm School of Economics), Howard Jones (Sa?d Business School, University of Oxford), José Vicente Martinez (University of Connecticut School of Business)
Using data from the Stockholm Stock Exchange (SSE), we study the value added by (as distinct from the abnormal returns to) analysts’ recommendations. Recommending brokers’ clients trade profitably around positive recommendations at the expense of other brokers’ clients. Significant profits come from transactions before recommendation dates. Value added is greatest for upgrades to large caps, and largely insignificant for downgrades and recommendations of small caps, despite high abnormal returns. Brokers making profitable recommendations generate abnormally high commission income, recouping much of their clients’ abnormal profits, and their abnormal commission income varies in line with the abnormal profits for their clients.

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis ? Volume 55 - Issue 6 - September 2020
作者:Qie Ellie Yin (Hong Kong Baptist University School of Business);Jay R. Ritter (University of Florida Warrington College of Business)
摘要: 在资本结构文献中,无论使用账面杠杆还是市场杠杆,调整速度(SOA)的估算都是相似的。而这种稳健性是值得怀疑的,因为调查证据表明,公司以账面杠杆为目标,而经验证据表明,它们不会通过发行证券来抵消由股价变化引起的市场杠杆变化。本文证据表明,由于股票价格波动的消极影响,现有的市场SOA值实际被高估。控制这种偏差后,对于账面杠杆,SOA的估计应为16%;而对于市场杠杆,SOA的估计应为10%。这意味着权衡理论没有以前认为的那么重要。
The Speed of Adjustment to the Target Market Value Leverage Is Slower Than You Think
Qie Ellie Yin (Hong Kong Baptist University School of Business), Jay R. Ritter (University of Florida Warrington College of Business)
In the capital structure literature, speed of adjustment (SOA) estimates are similar whether book or market leverage is used. This robustness is suspect, given the survey evidence that firms target their book leverage and the empirical evidence that they don’t issue securities to offset market leverage changes caused by stock price changes. We show that existing market SOA estimates are substantially upward biased due to the passive influence of stock price fluctuations. Controlling for this bias, the SOA estimate is 16% for book leverage and 10% for market leverage, implying that the trade-off theory is less important than previously thought.

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis ? Volume 55 - Issue 6 - September 2020
作者:Jesse Ellis (North Carolina State University Poole College of Management)
Leonardo Madureira (Case Western Reserve University Weatherhead School of Management)Shane Underwood (Baylor University Hankamer School of Business)
摘要: 我们使用直航的引入作为共同基金和公司之间通行时间的外生冲击,以估计距离对基金投资决策和业绩的因果影响。研究发现,在直航引入后,基金对地点更接近的公司的投资规模显著增加,而这些更接近的投资表现出更优的业绩。本研究结果稳健地考量了各种固定效应和潜在混杂因素,如公司层面的冲击、基金层面的冲击和时间趋势。总体而言,本文结果表明,邻近性增强了投资者获取公司价值相关信息的能力。
The Causal Effects of Proximity on Investment: Evidence from Flight Introductions
Jesse Ellis (North Carolina State University Poole College of Management), Leonardo Madureira (Case Western Reserve University Weatherhead School of Management), Shane Underwood (Baylor University Hankamer School of Business)
We use the introduction of direct flights as an exogenous shock to the travel time between mutual funds and firms to estimate the causal effects of proximity on fund investment decisions and performance. We find that a fund invests significantly more in firms that become more proximate following the introduction of direct flights and that these more proximate investments exhibit superior performance. Our findings are robust to including a variety of fixed effects and potential confounders such as firm-level shocks, fund-level shocks, and time trends. Collectively, our results indicate that proximity enhances investors’ ability to acquire value-relevant information about firms.

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis ? Volume 55 - Issue 6 - September 2020
作者:Walid Y. Busaba (Western University Ivey Business School);Zheng Liu (Highstreet Asset Management); Felipe Restrepo (Western University Ivey Business School)
Do Underwriters Price Up IPOs to Prevent Withdrawal?
Walid Y. Busaba (Western University Ivey Business School), Zheng Liu (Highstreet Asset Management), Felipe Restrepo (Western University Ivey Business School)
We examine whether underwriters price up weakly demanded initial public offerings (IPOs) to prevent withdrawal. Our empirical strategy exploits a discontinuity in the distribution of IPO prices around the low boundary of the filing range. Offerings with a high ex ante withdrawal probability that are priced at this boundary are likely priced up to meet issuers’ reservation prices. We compare the aftermarket returns of these IPOs to the returns of other weakly demanded offerings where issuers’ reservation prices were likely not binding, and we identify a negative 8.4-percentage-point differential attributable to the aggressive pricing inherent in setting the price at the low boundary when withdrawal risk is high.

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis ? Volume 55 - Issue 6 - September 2020
作者:Massimo Massa (INSEAD);David Schumacher (McGill University Desautels Faculty of Management)
Information Barriers in Global Markets: Evidence from International Subcontracting Relationships
Massimo Massa (INSEAD), David Schumacher (McGill University Desautels Faculty of Management)
We study the link between information barriers in global markets and the organizational form of asset management. Fund families outsource funds in which they are at an informational disadvantage to generate performance. Using a structural model of self-selection, we endogenize the outsourcing decision and estimate positive gains from outsourcing of 4–14 basis points per month, thereby reconciling underperformance of outsourced funds with performance maximization by fund families. The gains from outsourcing provide a novel proxy for the information barriers that segment global financial markets: The more segmented the underlying markets where the funds invest, the larger the gains from outsourcing.

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis ? Volume 55 - Issue 6 - September 2020
作者:Jiang Luo (Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University);Zheng Qiao (School of Management, Xiamen University)
摘要: 心理学文献表明,个人承诺能够通过减轻搭便车问题从而对团队绩效产生积极影响。有了详细的管理团队信息,共同基金行业提供了一个独特的机会来研究个人管理承诺是如何与业绩相关的。本文中承诺基金经理是指仅为一个基金工作的人。由于缺乏获取私人信息的动机,没有承诺成员的团队业绩不如有承诺成员的团队。在纳入各种控制变量后,结论依然成立。另外,本文还探究了为什么没有承诺成员的团队被越来越多地使用,尽管他们的表现很差。
Individual Commitment and Team Performance: Evidence from Mutual Fund Managers
Jiang Luo (Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University), Zheng Qiao (School of Management, Xiamen University)
The psychology literature suggests that individual commitment has a positive effect on team performance by mitigating the free-rider problem. With its detailed management-team information, the mutual fund industry provides a unique opportunity to study how individual managerial commitment is related to performance. Committed fund managers are defined as those who work only for one fund. With few incentives to acquire private information, teams with no committed members underperform those with committed members. These findings remain robust after we incorporate various controls. We also explore why non-committed teams have been used increasingly often despite their poor performance.

作者:Markus C. Arnold (University of Bern)R. Lynn Hannan (Tulane University)Ivo D. Tafkov (Georgia State University)
Mutual Monitoring and Team Member Communication in Teams
Markus C. Arnold (University of Bern);R. Lynn Hannan (Tulane University);
Ivo D. Tafkov (Georgia State University)
This study investigates whether the benefit firms can extract from team member communication to the team manager—who may use such information for rewarding individual team members—is affected by differences in the type of mutual monitoring information available to team members. We predict and find that team performance is higher when team members can observe only each other's effort than when they can observe both each other's effort and output levels; conversely, team performance is lower when team members can observe only each other's output than when they can observe both each other's effort and output levels. The intuition behind these results is that the type of observable mutual monitoring information creates different degrees of ambiguity regarding what should be considered a fair reward allocation for team members' contributions. Such ambiguity reduces the usefulness of team member communication to the manager for allocating rewards, resulting in lower team performance.

作者:Musaib Ashraf (Michigan State University);Paul N. Michas (The University of Arizona);Dan Russomanno (The University of Arizona)
The Impact of Audit Committee Information Technology Expertise on the Reliability and Timeliness of Financial Reporting
Musaib Ashraf (Michigan State University);Paul N. Michas (The University of Arizona);Dan Russomanno (The University of Arizona)
We examine whether information technology expertise on audit committees impacts the reliability and timeliness of financial reporting. We find a reduction in the likelihood of material restatement, a reduction in the likelihood of information technology-related material weaknesses (which account for 55 percent of all reported material weaknesses), and more timely earnings announcements at firms with audit committee information technology expertise. These findings are robust to controlling for a firm's other information technology attributes, as well as when using entropy balanced samples, and we mitigate endogeneity concerns with evidence that our findings hold in a subsample of firms that all possess overall high-quality information technology. Finally, a difference-in-differences analysis, inclusion of firm fixed effects, and a falsification test largely support our assertion that the quality of financial reporting is significantly improved by the presence of an audit committee information technology expert.

作者:Peter O. Christensen (University of Southern Denmark);Hans Frimor (University of Southern Denmark)
Public Information and Efficient Capital Investments: Implications for the Cost of Capital and Firm Values
Peter O. Christensen (University of Southern Denmark);Hans Frimor (University of Southern Denmark)
In a standard financial economics model of asset pricing and value-maximizing firms, we show that better public information about firm-specific and economy-wide events affects the allocation of capital investments among firms and over time. The consequences for capital market outcomes, such as risk, risk premia, interest rates, firm prices, and the cost of capital, depend on investor preferences and whether improvements are to firm-specific or economy-wide information. We show that interest rates and risk premia tend to move in opposite directions and that the effects on interest rates often dominate the effects on risk premia in determining firm values and the cost of capital.

作者:Shana M Clor-Proell (Texas Christian University);Ryan D Guggenmos (Cornell University);Kristina Rennekamp (Cornell University)
Mobile Devices and Investment News Apps: The Effects of Information Release, Push Notification, and the Fear of Missing Out
Shana M Clor-Proell (Texas Christian University);Ryan D Guggenmos (Cornell University);Kristina Rennekamp (Cornell University)
We examine how information dissemination via mobile device applications (apps) affects nonprofessional investors' judgments. In response to the prevalence of mobile device use, the media ungroups content into smaller pieces to accommodate users, and apps use push notifications to highlight this content. These changes increase users' ability to access investment information in real time, leaving some investors feeling as if they are missing out if they are not continuously connected. We validate a scale to capture investors' fear of missing out on investment information (I-FoMO) and document that I-FoMO is distinct from traditional FoMO that occurs in social settings. Then, using an experiment, we find that receiving ungrouped content via a mobile device has a greater effect on investment allocations in the presence, rather than absence, of push notifications. Further, we find that these results hold for higher, but not for lower, I-FoMO investors.

作者:Henry L. Friedman (University of California, Los Angeles)
Investor Preference for Director Characteristics: Portfolio Choice with Gender Bias
Henry L. Friedman (University of California, Los Angeles)
This study examines whether investor-level preferences for director characteristics influence portfolio choices, using data on the U.S. holdings of non-U.S. funds. Consistent with bias-based preferences influencing portfolio allocations, funds from countries with greater gender inequality invest less and hold smaller stakes in firms with more female directors. Since variation in funds' home country gender biases are plausibly unrelated to the selection and performance of female directors in U.S. firms, the empirical strategy mitigates endogeneity concerns arising from estimates based on associations between market performance and gender demographics. The study contributes by linking investments to measured gender biases and by providing evidence, through additional analysis, of potential channels through which gender bias may affect portfolio choice.

作者:Yuyan Guan (City University of Hong Kong)Gerald J. Lobo (University of Houston);Albert Tsang (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University);Xiangang Xin (City University of Hong Kong)
Societal Trust and Management Earnings Forecasts
Yuyan Guan (City University of Hong Kong);Gerald J. Lobo (University of Houston);
Albert Tsang (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University);Xiangang Xin (City University of Hong Kong)
We investigate the relationship between societal trust and managers' decisions to voluntarily issue earnings forecasts. We reason that managers are more likely to issue earnings forecasts in high-trust countries than in low-trust countries because investors view these voluntary disclosures as more credible information about the firm's future profitability. We find evidence consistent with these predictions, suggesting that societal trust fosters corporate voluntary disclosure. We also document that societal trust works as a substitute for country-level formal institutions in terms of its implications for management earnings forecast (MEF) issuance. Additionally, we find a stronger relationship between firm-level commitment to credible disclosure and MEFs in low-trust countries, suggesting that country-level societal trust relates to the effectiveness of firm-level credibility-enhancing mechanisms. Finally, we show that firms from countries with higher societal trust issue more precise and accurate MEFs that contain more information about multiple items.

作者:David A. Guenther (University of Oregon);Kenneth Njoroge (The College of William & Mary);Brian M. Williams (Indiana University Bloomington)
Allocation of Internal Cash Flow when Firms Pay Less Tax
David A. Guenther (University of Oregon);Kenneth Njoroge (The College of William & Mary);
Brian M. Williams (Indiana University Bloomington)
We provide evidence about allocations of cash flow freed up by not paying taxes (“tax-related cash”). Uncertainty about future repayments suggests firms may use tax-related cash more cautiously than other cash flow. We utilize a flow-of-funds model from finance to quantify the relative amounts of tax-related cash associated with various potential uses of operating cash flow. We find firms allocate tax-related cash differently than other after-tax cash flow. Prior studies find tax avoiders hold more cash, and our results suggest this is because firms invest less (and save more) tax-related cash. We also find that the allocation of tax-related cash varies with relative financial constraints, economic uncertainty, and firms' multinational status in ways consistent with prior findings. For example, firms facing relatively higher levels of financial constraints invest a lower (higher) percentage of tax-related cash in capital expenditures (marketable securities and R&D), possibly to preserve funds for future investment opportunities.

作者:Thomas Hemmer (Rice University)
Income Smoothing as Rational Equilibrium Behavior? A Second Look
Thomas Hemmer (Rice University)
In this paper I revisit the issue of real income smoothing in the setting used by Lambert (1984). I demonstrate that the particular effect identified in his paper is actually an error: under his assumptions, there is no input-driven equilibrium income smoothing of the type he suggests. There are, however, several other drivers of equilibrium behavior ignored in that paper. In this paper, I identify those and, for the particular model structure, show that when all effects are considered together, there is little support for the suggestion that second-best earnings generally are being smoothed through the equilibrium behavior.

作者:Khim Kelly (University of Central Florida);Ronit Dinovitzer (University of Toronto);Hugh Gunz (University of Toronto)Sally P Gunz (University of Waterloo)
The Interaction of Perceived Subjectivity and Pay Transparency on Professional Judgment in a Profit Pool Setting: The Case of Large Law Firms
Khim Kelly (University of Central Florida);Ronit Dinovitzer (University of Toronto);
Hugh Gunz (University of Toronto);Sally P Gunz (University of Waterloo)
This paper examines how the interaction of perceived subjectivity and pay transparency in profit allocation is associated with an important aspect of law partners' professional judgment, namely their tendency to accede to the wishes of their client and fellow partner (labeled hereafter as partner accedence). Based on interviews with 56 corporate law partners working in large Canadian law firms, we find higher partner accedence in a less subjective system than in a more subjective system, but only under no pay transparency. We find that pay transparency (versus no transparency) is associated with increased accedence in a more subjective system, but it is marginally associated with decreased accedence in a less subjective system. In an experiment where we randomly assign MTurk participants to conditions, we replicate the finding that pay transparency (versus no transparency) has a more positive effect on partner accedence as subjectivity level increases.

作者:Alexis H. Kunz (University of Bern);Martin Staehle (University of Bern)
Recognition versus Disclosure of Future Loss Conditions and the Decision-Usefulness of Financial Statements
Alexis H. Kunz (University of Bern);Martin Staehle (University of Bern)
We conduct an experiment to investigate the differential effect of recognizing versus disclosing reasonable and supportable forecasts of future loss conditions on investors' valuation assessments when economic fundamentals either deteriorate or improve. Our main finding is that when entities enjoy growth at constant risk, the accelerated recognition of future loss conditions can induce valuation assessments that are opposed to the entity's enhanced valuation. Supplementary analyses reveal that investors misattribute (some) expected losses to the entity's past performance and rely on unadjusted current summary earnings to assess the entity's prospects. Our findings provide insight into the cognitive processes that lead investors to incorrectly assess earnings trends and inform regulators, standard setters, investors, and preparers that the accelerated recognition of relevant and unbiased forward-looking loss estimates can impair the decision-usefulness of financial statements.

作者:Richard A. Lambert (University of Pennsylvania)
Income Smoothing as Rational Equilibrium Behavior? A Second Look: A Response
Richard A. Lambert (University of Pennsylvania)
This paper responds to Hemmer's (2020) critique of Lambert's (1984) paper on income smoothing. Lambert develops and analyzes a two-period agency model in which he shows income smoothing, defined as the second-period action being a decreasing function of the first-period outcome, is part of the equilibrium. Hemmer claims Lambert's analysis contains errors, and that income smoothing does not occur in the model for the reasons Lambert claims. Here, I confirm the Lambert results, show why Hemmer's results appear different than mine, and make clearer the economic forces behind why income smoothing occurs.

作者:Yuanyuan Ma (Unaffiliated)
Shareholder Litigation and the Information Content of Management Voluntary Disclosure
Yuanyuan Ma (Unaffiliated)
I study the information content of management voluntary disclosures disciplined by shareholder litigation. I model the litigation mechanism in which legal liabilities are based on the damages that shareholders suffer from buying a stock at an inflated price. I find that management does not fully reveal private information in equilibrium. Instead, their disclosures reveal only a range in which their private information lies. Thus, the precision of information is, to some extent, lost. Notably, increasing the severity of legal liability does not always reduce the loss of precision. In fact, when the legal liability reaches a certain level, more severe legal liability will result in less precise disclosures. I also find that good news and bad news have different precision. Specifically, good news is more precise than is bad news when legal liabilities are high, and bad news is more precise than is good news when legal liabilities are low.

作者:Kim I. Mendoza (University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign)
Reducing Underreporting by Aggregating Budgeted Time
Kim I. Mendoza (University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign)
Underreporting, or reporting fewer hours than actually worked, is a prevalent behavior among auditors at all levels. Underreporting can result in negative consequences, such as tight budgets and reductions in future audit quality. In this paper, I propose a low-cost budget formatting procedure that reduces underreporting. Using an experiment, I document that individuals with higher underreporting incentives underreport less when given an aggregated budget relative to a disaggregated budget. When individuals have lower underreporting incentives, aggregating the budget has a smaller effect on underreporting. I also provide evidence of the process by performing a mediation analysis. In a second experiment, I examine a budget formatting procedure that reduces underreporting while also mitigating the loss of data richness that results from aggregation. This study provides important insights to audit firms, partners, managers, and regulators who rely on audit hours for budgets, measures of staff efficiency, and measures of audit quality.

作者:Maria Ogneva (University of Southern California, Los Angeles);Joseph D. Piotroski (Stanford University);Anastasia A. Zakolyukina (The University of Chicago)
摘要:在本文中,我们使用会计基本面元素来衡量系统性困境风险。我们主要验证的预测是,这种风险会随着衰退式失败的概率P(R | F)而增加,这项检验以一个指导我们实证分析的程式化模型为基础。我们首先应用lasso方法来选择可以合并到P(R | F)估计中的会计基本面元素,然后在资产定价检验中使用获得的估计值。这种方法成功地从会计数据中提取了系统性风险信息——我们记录到了与P(R | F)估计相关的显著正溢价,这种溢价与商业周期的有关讯息和总失败率有关。额外测试强调了通过衰退式失败概率的估计来施加的“结构”的重要性。只依赖于相同基本面变量与收益之间过去相关性的“不可知的”收益预测因子表现出了明显不同的性质。
Accounting Fundamentals and Systematic Risk: Corporate Failure over the Business Cycle
Maria Ogneva (University of Southern California, Los Angeles);
Joseph D. Piotroski (Stanford University);
Anastasia A. Zakolyukina (The University of Chicago)
In this paper, we use accounting fundamentals to measure systematic risk of distress. Our main testable prediction—that this risk increases with the probability of recessionary failure, P(R|F)—is based on a stylized model that guides our empirical analyses. We first apply the lasso method to select accounting fundamentals that can be combined into P(R|F) estimates. We then use the obtained estimates in asset-pricing tests. This approach successfully extracts systematic risk information from accounting data—we document a significant positive premium associated with P(R|F) estimates. The premium covaries with the news about the business cycle and aggregate failure rates. Additional tests underscore the importance of the “structure” imposed through recessionary-failure-probability estimation. The “agnostic” return predictor that relies only on past correlations between the same fundamental variables and returns exhibits markedly different properties.

作者:Leila Peyravan (Rice University)
Financial Reporting Quality and Dual-Holding of Debt and Equity
Leila Peyravan (Rice University)
I investigate whether the financial reporting quality (FRQ) of a firm influences the propensity of institutional investors to simultaneously hold the firm's debt and equity (dual-holding). I predict that the underlying reason for institutional dual-holding is access to the better information that is available to lenders in firms with low FRQ. Accordingly, I find that dual-holders are more likely to participate in firms with low FRQ. Additionally, I predict and find that dual-holders trade on the additional information received from borrowers. I find that dual-holders achieve excess returns of 8 percent on their trades in the borrower's equity, and that the direction of their trades predicts the direction of borrowers' news on the earnings announcement day. Finally, I demonstrate that dual-holders' trades generate excess returns only in firms with low FRQ, suggesting that investors become dual-holders in firms with low FRQ because informed trades in such firms offer higher returns.

作者:Ruidi Shang (Tilburg University)Margaret A. Abernethy (The University of Melbourne)Chung-Yu Hung (The University of Melbourne)
Group Identity, Performance Transparency, and Employee Performance
Ruidi Shang (Tilburg University)
Margaret A. Abernethy (The University of Melbourne)
Chung-Yu Hung (The University of Melbourne)
Economics, social psychology, and management studies suggest that group identity plays an important role in directing employee behaviors. On the one hand, strong group identity could motivate high effort to resolve conflicts of interests in the workplace. On the other hand, it could encourage conformity toward group norms. We examine whether the effect of group identity is conditional on managers' performance reporting choices. Drawing on survey and archival data from a field site, we find that when performance transparency is low, the interest alignment effect is more salient and group identity positively relates to employee performance. However, when performance transparency is high, the conformity effect is more salient and higher group identity is associated with more homogeneous, but not necessarily higher, employee performance. Our findings contribute to the management control literature by documenting that managers' performance reporting choices determine whether group identity has positive effects on employee performance.

作者:Nemit Shroff (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Real Effects of PCAOB International Inspections
Nemit Shroff (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
This paper examines the effect of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) international inspection program on companies' financing and investing decisions. Difference-in-differences regression estimates suggest that companies respond to their auditor receiving a “deficiency-free” inspection report by issuing additional external capital amounting to 1.4 percent of assets and increasing investment by 0.5 percent of assets. These effects are larger for (1) financially constrained companies and (2) companies located in countries where there is no regulator or the regulator does not conduct inspections. Further, the effect on financing decisions is stronger in countries with (1) low corruption, (2) strong rule of law, and (3) high regulatory quality. Descriptive evidence suggests that inspections increase the use of financial covenants in debt contracts, which is likely one of the mechanisms through which inspections generate real effects. This paper documents the value of PCAOB inspections in mitigating financing frictions for non-U.S. companies.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Douglas Cumming (Schulich School of Business - York University);Na Dai (School of Business - SUNY at Albany);Sofia Johan (Schulich School of Business - York University)
摘要:本文分析了多德-弗兰克法案实施前后对冲基金的业绩、风险和资金流动情况。数据显示,相对于非美国对冲基金而言,在多德-弗兰克法案(Dodd-Frank Act)实施后的时期内,受其监管的美国对冲基金的资产负债率较低,在统计和经济上都具有重要意义,而有关其对风险(标准差和异质风险)影响的证据则好坏参半。我们发现有证据显示,在多德-弗兰克法案实施后,美国某些对冲基金策略的资金流出(或流入)增加。我们发现研究结果的差异取决于基金的规模和策略。这些研究结果对于分析对比美国与非美国基金的差异是有力的。
Dodd-Franking the hedge Funds
Douglas Cumming (Schulich School of Business - York University), Na Dai (School of Business - SUNY at Albany), Sofia Johan (Schulich School of Business - York University)
This paper analyzes hedge fund performance, risk, and fund flows before and after the implementation of the Dodd–Frank Act. The data indicates that, relative to non-US hedge funds, US hedge funds that are regulated under Dodd–Frank have lower fund alphas in the post-Dodd–Frank implementation period, both statistically and economically significant, while the evidence on its effect on risk (standard deviations and idiosyncratic risk) is mixed. We find evidence that there is more fund outflow (or less fund inflow) for certain US hedge fund strategies after the implementation of Dodd–Frank. We show some differences in these findings dependent on fund size and strategy. The findings are robust to difference-in-differences analyses comparing US to non-US funds.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Sylvester C.W. Eijffinger (CentER and the Department of Economics - Tilburg University);Bilge Karata? (CentER and the Department of Economics - Tilburg University)
Together or apart? The relationship between currency and banking crises
Sylvester C.W. Eijffinger (CentER and the Department of Economics - Tilburg University), Bilge Karata? (CentER and the Department of Economics - Tilburg University)
The purpose of this study is to provide empirical evidence on the links between currency and banking crises. Panel data probit and bivariate probit models are estimated to a sample of 21 developed and developing countries having monthly observations between the years 1985 and 2010. The findings indicate that banking crises precede currency crises, and vice versa. Currency crises also indirectly influence future banking crises probability through external shocks, liberalized financial markets, or highly-leveraged banking sectors. The study also finds evidence of contemporaneous correlation between the two crises. The results not only confirm the theoretical links between banking and currency crises, but also underline the importance of higher frequency data in analyzing the relationship between various financial crises.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Alejandro Bernales (Center of Finance and Center of Applied Economics - Universidad de Chile);Thanos Verousis (Newcastle University Business School - Newcastle University);Nikolaos Voukelatos (Kent Business School - University of Kent)
Do investors follow the herd in option markets?
Alejandro Bernales (Center of Finance and Center of Applied Economics - Universidad de Chile), Thanos Verousis (Newcastle University Business School - Newcastle University), Nikolaos Voukelatos (Kent Business School - University of Kent)
We investigate the previously unexplored herding behaviour of investors in option markets, by examining equity option contracts traded in the US between 1996 and 2012. We document strong herding effects in option trading activity that are conditional on a set of systematic factors related to periods of market stress. More specifically, we find that option investors tend to herd during periods of high market volatility risk, on dates of macroeconomic announcements, during the financial crisis of 2008, when a large number of market option positions is either opened or closed, and during periods of a large average dispersion of analysts’ forecasts.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Lei Qin (University of Michigan Ross School of Business);Wang Xuewu Wesley (Michael F. Price College of Business at the University of Oklahoma);Yan Zhipeng (Martin Tuchman School of Management at the New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Volatility spread and stock market response to earnings announcements
Lei Qin (University of Michigan Ross School of Business), Wang Xuewu Wesley (Michael F. Price College of Business at the University of Oklahoma), Yan Zhipeng (Martin Tuchman School of Management at the New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Using a broad sample of earnings announcements, we find a monotonic increase in the spread between call and put implied volatilities as it gets closer to the earnings announcement date. The steady build-up of volatility spread in the days leading up to the announcement date, coupled with the predictive power of cumulative abnormal implied volatility spread on subsequent announcement returns, suggests that informed traders are the driving force behind the option market activities prior to earnings announcements. Such informed trading, as proxied by the abnormal implied volatility spread, increases rather than decreases the stock market response to earnings announcements after controlling for an array of firm and announcement characteristics. This effect is most pronounced when the pre-earnings option trading volume is heightened. Overall, our findings lend strong support to the notion that informed options trading immediately before earnings announcements helps alleviate the stock market under-reaction to earnings announcements and make it closer to a complete response.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Jie (Michael) ;Guo (Durham University Business School - Durham University);Yichen Li (Durham University Business School - Durham University);Changyun Wang (China Financial Policy Research Center - Renmin University of China);Xiaofei Xing (Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham)
摘要:本文通过对1990-2012年间美国3420笔并购交易进行分析,调查顶级并购投资银行家(财务顾问)在短期和长期内是否为具有不同财务状况的收购者创造价值。本文将基于收购者财务约束的交易分为三类: 受约束的、中立的和无约束的收购。我们发现,顶级银行家的影响取决于收购者的财务状况。具体来说,顶级顾问可以提高受约束的收购方的绩效,而不是中立且不受约束的收购方的绩效。我们的结果表明,在控制了公司,交易和市场特征之后,顶级投资银行家分别将受约束的收购方的短期(5天)和长期(36个月)绩效提高了1.45%和24.27%。对于有投资银行家参与的交易,由顶级顾问建议的受约束的收购方的交易完成率最低,并且支付的投标溢价也最低;保留顶级投资银行家的不受约束的收购方的交易完成率最高,并支付相对较高的出价溢价。我们的研究结果表明,受约束的收购方倾向于保留顶级投资银行家以获取卓越的协同效应,而不受约束的收购方则似乎保留顶级投资银行家以确保交易完成。
The role of investment bankers in M&As: New evidence on Acquirers’ financial conditions
Jie (Michael) Guo (Durham University Business School - Durham University), Yichen Li (Durham University Business School - Durham University), Changyun Wang (China Financial Policy Research Center - Renmin University of China), Xiaofei Xing (Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham)
This paper investigates whether top-tier M&A investment bankers (financial advisors) create value for acquirers with different financial conditions in both the short and long term via analyzing 3420 US deals during 1990–2012. In this paper, deals are divided into three groups based on acquirer financial constraints – acquisitions by constrained, neutral and unconstrained firms. We find that the effects of top-tier bankers are dependent on acquirer financial conditions. Specifically, top-tier advisors improve performance for constrained acquirers rather than neutral, and unconstrained acquirers. Our results show that top-tier investment bankers improve constrained acquirers’ short- (5 days) and long-term (36 months) performance by 1.45% and 24.27% respectively, after controlling for firm, deal and market characteristics. For deals with investment banker involvement, constrained acquirers advised by top-tier advisors have the lowest deal completion rate, and pay the lowest bid premiums; while unconstrained acquirers that retain top-tier investment bankers have the highest deal completion rate, and pay relatively high bid premiums. Our findings imply that constrained acquirers tend to retain top-tier investment bankers to gain superior synergy, while unconstrained acquirers appear to retain top-tier investment bankers to ensure the deal completion.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Fang Chen (College of Business - University of New Haven);Jing-Zhi Huang (Smeal College of Business - Pennsylvania State University);Zhenzhen Sun (Charlton College of Business - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth);Tong Yu (Lindner School of Business, University of Cincinnati)
Why do firms issue guaranteed bonds?
Fang Chen (College of Business - University of New Haven), Jing-Zhi Huang (Smeal College of Business - Pennsylvania State University), Zhenzhen Sun (Charlton College of Business - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth), Tong Yu (Lindner School of Business, University of Cincinnati)
Corporations often use affiliated firms as guarantors when issuing guaranteed bonds, thus combining external financing with internal credit enhancements. In this study, we empirically examine the potential determinants of corporate guaranteed debt issuance. We find evidence that issuers with fewer tangible assets, lower credit ratings, more pronounced debt overhang and/or greater managerial agency problems are more likely to issue guaranteed bonds. Moreover, we find that while firms generally issue guaranteed bonds with different motives, alternative incentives for guaranteed bond uses are largely captured by bond prices at issuance.

中国资产管理研究中心-3024-政治关系与企业投资: 来自中国最近反腐败运动的证据
Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Xiaofei Pan (School of Accounting, Economics and Finance - University of Wollongong);Gary Gang Tian (Department of Applied Finance and Actuarial Studies - Macquarie University)
Political connections and corporate investments: Evidence from the recent anti-corruption campaign in China
Xiaofei Pan (School of Accounting, Economics and Finance - University of Wollongong), Gary Gang Tian (Department of Applied Finance and Actuarial Studies - Macquarie University)
Taking advantage of corruption scandals in China, we construct a natural experiment and identify the ousting of corrupt politicians, and firms connected with them through bribery and personal relationships (event firms). We find that the investment expenditure of event firms declines significantly after the ousting of the politicians compared with that of non-event firms, especially for non-SOEs. We also find that, after the ousting of the politicians, investment efficiency improves for event SOEs, but declines for event non-SOEs, compared with their non-event counterparts. We also document that the ousting of the politicians influences firm investment decisions more after the recent anti-corruption campaign, for bribing firms and for firms in more corrupt regions. These results are robust to alternative measurements of key variables and specifications.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Yiyi Bai (School of Finance - Zhongnan University of Economics and Law);Liping Lu (School of Finance - Renmin University of China)
Households rejecting loan offers from banks
Yiyi Bai (School of Finance - Zhongnan University of Economics and Law), Liping Lu (School of Finance - Renmin University of China)
This paper studies the mechanism of adverse selection in the credit market using a sample of mortgage applications that are approved by lenders but rejected by applicants. We find that a low-risk applicant is more likely to reject a loan offer, except when the offer is made by an informed lender. Using jumbo mortgage and loan acceptance rate data to proxy for the information advantage, we find that lenders with a lower likelihood of being rejected are indeed better informed than others.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Minwook Kang (Nanyang Technological University)
摘要:本文通过引入双曲折现,扩展了 Diamond-Dybvig银行挤兑模型。主要的问题是消费者的短视决策如何影响银行挤兑的可能性和银行的最优契约。在双曲折现下,消费者的存款偏好和取款偏好不同。因此,银行在设计最优银行契约时需要考虑两个不同的偏好,这使得设计一个安全的银行契约变得更加困难。这种偏好上的差异可能会增加银行在均衡状态下挤兑的可能性。尽管银行可以设计一个防跑合同,但是由于双曲折现银行更严格的激励相容约束,通过银行服务提供的事前福利将会更低。
Demand deposit contracts and bank runs with present biased preferences
Minwook Kang (Nanyang Technological University)
This paper extends the Diamond–Dybvig model of bank runs by incorporating hyperbolic discounting. The main question is how consumers’ myopic decisions affect the possibility of a bank run and the bank’s optimal contract. Under hyperbolic discounting, consumers’ deposit preferences differ from their withdrawal preferences. Therefore, the bank needs to consider two separate preferences when designing the optimal banking contract, making it more difficult to design a run-safe banking contract. This difference in preferences could increase the possibility of a bank run in equilibrium. Although the bank can design a run-proof contract, the ex-ante welfare through banking services will be lower under hyperbolic discounting due to its tighter incentive compatibility constraint.

中国资产管理研究中心-3027-公私合作贷款: 来自企业联合贷款的证据
Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Veljko Fotak (School of Management - University at Buffalo);Haekwon Lee (The University of Sydney Business School)
摘要:1980年至2010年期间,私营部门和政府拥有的贷款人提供的共同贷款占提供给公司借款人的银团贷款总额的十分之一以上。共同贷款通常被合理化,作为对国有贷款机构施加市场纪律的一种手段。我们调查是否确实如此,或者政治扭曲是否会影响“混合”财团,包括私人和政府拥有的贷款机构。我们发现,混合财团比私人财团向政府关联企业分配更多的贷款。此外,来自混合银团的贷款利差更低,期限更长,抵押品更少,契约更少。在随后的几年里,当借款人“有联系”时,大多数银团贷款都是有利的,当借款者的盈利能力出现下降时,银团贷款的收益率会下降, 表明贷款配置效率低下。这一证据与混合型贷款中的政治扭曲是一致的。结果是由国内政府贷款人推动的: 包括外国政府所有的贷款人在内的银团贷款在分配和贷款条件上与私营部门贷款更为相似。
Public-private co-lending: Evidence from syndicated corporate loans
Veljko Fotak (School of Management - University at Buffalo), Haekwon Lee (The University of Sydney Business School)
Co-lending by private-sector and government-owned lenders accounts for over one-tenth of all syndicated-loan funding to corporate borrowers from 1980 to 2010. Co-lending is often rationalized as a mean to impose market discipline on government-owned lenders. We investigate whether that is really the case, or whether political distortions affect “mixed” syndicates including both private and government-owned lenders. We find that mixed syndicates allocate more loans to government-connected firms than private syndicates do. Further, loans from mixed syndicates have lower spreads, longer maturities, less collateral, and fewer covenants. Terms are most favorable when borrowers are “connected.” Firms borrowing from mixed syndicates show a decline in profitability and valuation in subsequent years, suggesting loans are inefficiently allocated. The evidence is consistent with political distortions in mixed lending. Results are driven by domestic government lenders: loan by syndicates including foreign government-owned lenders resemble more closely private-sector loans, both in allocation and loan terms.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Kee-Hong Bae (Schulich School of Business - York University);Yi Ding (School of Management and Economics and Shenzhen Finance Institute - The Chinese University of Hong Kong);Xiaoqiao Wang (School of Management and Economics and Shenzhen Finance Institute - The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Relative industry valuation and cross-border listing
Kee-Hong Bae (Schulich School of Business - York University), Yi Ding (School of Management and Economics and Shenzhen Finance Institute - The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Xiaoqiao Wang (School of Management and Economics and Shenzhen Finance Institute - The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Using a sample of firms from 40 countries cross-listed in the U.S. during the 1982–2018 period, we find that the discrepancy between a firm's home industry valuation and its corresponding U.S. industry valuation—the relative industry valuation—is an important factor in the listing decision and valuation after listing. International firms whose home market industries are undervalued relative to the corresponding U.S. industries are more likely to cross-list. They also enjoy permanent valuation gains after listing. These firms issue more equity, invest more, and realize higher growth rates.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Xiaofang Ma (School of Accounting - Zhejiang Gongshang University);Wenming Wang (School of Management - Zhejiang University)Jiangang Wu (School of Management - Shanghai University);;Wenlan Zhang (School of Accounting - Dongbei University of Finance and Economics)
Corporate customer concentration and stock price crash risk
Xiaofang Ma (School of Accounting - Zhejiang Gongshang University), Wenming Wang (School of Management - Zhejiang University), Jiangang Wu (School of Management - Shanghai University), Wenlan Zhang (School of Accounting - Dongbei University of Finance and Economics)
Using a large sample of U.S. firms, we find that major corporate customer concentration is positively associated with a firm's future stock price crash risk. This positive relation is more pronounced when the supplier firms have made a higher level of relationship-specific investments, have a poorer information environment, and/or face lower customer switching costs. Our evidence suggests that exposure to an undiversified corporate customer base can have a negative bearing on a firm's crash risk.

中国资产管理研究中心-3030- 对商品期货市场风险的恐惧
Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Adrian Fernandez-Perez (Auckland University of Technology);Ana-Maria Fuertes (Cass Business School - University of London);Marcos Gonzalez-Fernandez (University of León)Joelle Miffre (Finance, Audencia Business School)
Fear of hazards in commodity futures markets
Adrian Fernandez-Perez (Auckland University of Technology), Ana-Maria Fuertes (Cass Business School - University of London), Marcos Gonzalez-Fernandez (University of León), Joelle Miffre (Finance, Audencia Business School)
We examine the commodity futures pricing role of active attention to weather, disease, geopolitical or economic threats or “hazard fear” as proxied by the volume of internet searches by 149 query terms. A long-short portfolio strategy that sorts the cross-section of commodity futures contracts according to a hazard fear signal captures a significant premium. This commodity hazard fear premium reflects compensation for extant fundamental, tail, volatility and liquidity risks factors, but it is not subsumed by them. Exposure to hazard-fear is strongly priced in the cross-section of commodity portfolios. The hazard fear premium exacerbates during periods of adverse sentiment or pessimism in financial markets.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Douglas (DJ) Fairhurst (Carson College of Business - Washington State University);Yanguang Liu (Eller College of Management - The University of Arizona);Xiaoran Ni (Department of Finance, School of Economics & Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics - Xiamen University)
Employment protection and tax aggressiveness: Evidence from wrongful discharge laws
Douglas (DJ) Fairhurst (Carson College of Business - Washington State University), Yanguang Liu (Eller College of Management - The University of Arizona), Xiaoran Ni (Department of Finance, School of Economics & Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics - Xiamen University)
We examine whether labor market frictions affect firms’ tax aggressiveness. Exploiting the adoption of U.S. state-level Wrongful Discharge Laws as a quasi-exogenous shock to a firm's firing costs, we document a decline in tax aggressiveness for firms located in states that increase employment protection. We further show that greater employment protection increases distress risk. The decline in tax aggressiveness is more pronounced for firms that are more vulnerable to financial distress and constrained from external financial markets. Our results imply that firms avoid risky tax positions in order to mitigate increased distress risk due to more rigid labor costs.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:M. Brunetti (Department of Economics and Finance - University of Roma Tor Vergata);R. Ciciretti (Department of Economics and Finance - University of Rome Tor Vergata);Lj. Djordjevic (International Monetary Fund)
Till mortgage do us part: Mortgage switching costs and household's bank switching
M. Brunetti (Department of Economics and Finance - University of Roma Tor Vergata), R. Ciciretti (Department of Economics and Finance - University of Rome Tor Vergata), Lj. Djordjevic (International Monetary Fund)
We investigate the role of mortgage switching costs in shaping the households’ decision to change their main bank. To this end, we use a unique panel dataset that enables us to infer household's bank switching, in conjunction with a legal reform that exogenously slashed down the mortgage switching costs. The empirical evidence, which survives to a variety of robustness checks, supports the hypothesis that the explicit switching costs in the retail banking market are a weighty factor in shaping households’ bank switching, despite any potential “informational lock-in”. Dissecting the results, we show that the effects of the reform were not uniform across households. The more educated households, those with a longer or broader relationship with their previous bank and those residing in ex-ante less competitive banking markets were at the forefront of the wave of bank switching.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Yi Zheng (School of Business - State University of New York at New Paltz)
Does bank opacity affect lending?
Yi Zheng (School of Business - State University of New York at New Paltz)
Examining a sample of bank holding companies in the United States, we find that opacity has a negative effect on bank loan growth. This effect is more pronounced for banks that are more reliant on wholesale funds. A further analysis of the relationship between opacity and wholesale funds confirms our hypothesis that opacity negatively affects lending via a wholesale funding channel. Moreover, our results suggest that the negative effect of opacity on lending is less pronounced for banks with stronger capitalization. We also show that this effect was stronger during the 2007–2009 financial crisis and is mitigated by a high GDP growth rate, indicating that a strong (weak) macroeconomic condition tends to mitigate (aggravate) such an effect.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Shushang Zhu (Department of Finance and Investment - Sun Yat-Sen University);Wei Zhu (Department of Finance and Investment - Sun Yat-Sen University);Xi Pei (School of Business and Languages - ShenZhen Polytechnic);Xueting Cui (School of Mathematics - Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)
Hedging crash risk in optimal portfolio selection
Shushang Zhu (Department of Finance and Investment - Sun Yat-Sen University), Wei Zhu (Department of Finance and Investment - Sun Yat-Sen University), Xi Pei (School of Business and Languages - ShenZhen Polytechnic), Xueting Cui (School of Mathematics - Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)
When almost all underlying assets suddenly lose a certain part of their nominal value in a market crash, the diversification effect of portfolios in a normal market condition no longer works. We integrate the crash risk into portfolio management and investigate performance measures, hedging and optimization of portfolio selection involving derivatives. A suitable convex conic programming framework based on parametric approximation method is proposed to make the problem a tractable one. Simulation analysis and empirical study are performed to test the proposed approach.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Yanlei Zhang (Department of Accounting - Copenhagen Business School);Juan Manuel García Lara (Department of Business Administration - UniversidadCarlos III de Madrid);Josep A. Tribó (School of Business - Stevens Institute of Technology)
摘要:我们通过考察企业社会责任(CSR)与企业获得贸易信贷的关系,研究供应商是否重视客户企业的社会责任活动。我们假设,社会绩效较好的企业更有可能获得贸易信贷,因为供应商将客户的企业社会责任活动视为诚信和履行财务义务的能力的信号。除了这个直接渠道外,我们还描述了其他渠道:(a) 贸易信贷为供应商提供了一种可能性,即供应商可以获得客户未来的商业机会,而对社会责任感强的公司来说,这一机会预计会更高,(b) 对社会负责的公司来说,由于贸易信贷而在供应链中扩散负面冲击的风险较低,使它们对供应商更具吸引力。与我们的预测一致,我们发现对社会负责的客户从供应商那里获得了更多的贸易信贷。这种关系在上述渠道更相关的情况下更为明显:即客户的财务状况对其供应商更为重要;由于缺乏密切的交易关系,供应商和客户之间的信息不对称程度更大;当对社会负责的活动更有可能增加;当供应商在客户-供应商关系中面临更高的风险。我们还发现,在全球金融危机期间,社会责任客户通过减少对贸易信贷的使用,向供应商提供了落后的流动性供应,这意味着生产网络中有社会责任客户的额外好处。
Unpacking the black box of trade credit to socially responsible customers
Yanlei Zhang (Department of Accounting - Copenhagen Business School), Juan Manuel García Lara (Department of Business Administration - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Josep A. Tribó (School of Business - Stevens Institute of Technology)
We investigate whether suppliers value customer firms’ socially responsible activities by examining the relation between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and firms’ access to trade credit. We posit that firms with better social performance are more likely to receive trade credit because suppliers view customers’ CSR activities as a signal of trustworthiness and of the capacity to meet financial obligations. In addition to this direct channel, we describe other channels: a) trade credit opens the possibility for suppliers to secure a share of their customers’ future business opportunities, which are expected to be higher for socially responsible firms, and b) the risk associated with the diffusion of negative shocks through the supply chain due to trade credit is lower for socially responsible firms, making them more attractive partners for suppliers. Consistent with our predictions, we find that socially responsible customers receive more trade credit from suppliers. This relation is more pronounced in situations where the aforementioned channels are more relevant: namely, when the financial health of a customer is of greater importance to its suppliers; when there are greater information asymmetries between suppliers and customers due to a lack of close transactional relationships; when socially responsible activities are more likely to generate growth; and when suppliers are exposed to higher risk in the customer-supplier relationship. We also document that during the global financial crisis, socially responsible customers offered backward liquidity provision to suppliers by reducing their use of trade credit, which represents an extra benefit of having socially responsible customers in production networks.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:H?kan Jankensg?rd (Department of Business Administration - Lund University);
Reda M. Moursli (Department of Business Administration - Lund University)
摘要:根据一个有影响力的论点,当内部现金流动不稳定和外部融资成本高昂时,企业对冲支持企业投资(Froot, Scharfstein and Stein, 1993)。尽管这个理论有着巨大的影响力,但是这个理论的预测还没有通过实际的衍生现金流直接得到检验。本研究使用2000年至2015年间从石油和天然气行业衍生品头寸手工收集的现金流数据。平均而言,衍生品现金流中多出的一美元转化为资本支出中多出的一美元。在行业衰退期间,对冲公司衍生品现金流与资本支出的中位数比率上升到20%,这表明当外部融资成本突然上升时,衍生品在维持投资方面发挥了关键作用。
Derivative cash flows and corporate investment
H?kan Jankensg?rd (Department of Business Administration - Lund University), Reda M. Moursli (Department of Business Administration - Lund University)
According to an influential argument, corporate hedging supports corporate investment when internal cash flows are volatile and external financing is costly (Froot, Scharfstein and Stein, 1993). Despite its vast influence, the predictions of this theory have not yet been directly tested using actual derivative cash flows. This study uses hand-collected data on cash flows from derivative positions in the oil and gas industry between 2000 and 2015. Strikingly, on average, an extra dollar in derivative cash flows translates into one more dollar in capital expenditure. During industry recessions, the median ratio of derivative cash flows to capital expenditure rises to 20% for hedging firms, suggesting that derivatives play a crucial role in sustaining investment when the cost of external financing rises abruptly.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Marco Casiraghi (Via Nazionale 91)
Bailouts, sovereign risk and bank portfolio choices
Marco Casiraghi (Via Nazionale 91)
I study the role of sovereign risk in determining the effects of expected bailouts on banks’ portfolio decisions. Empirically, data on Italian banks show that they decrease lending to firms and increase purchases of government bonds following an increase in the probability of a bailout, if the risk of sovereign default is sufficiently low. Crucially, the portfolio adjustment becomes weaker and eventually reverses sign as sovereign risk increases. To interpret these results, I develop a model in which the relation between the bailout probability and the corresponding payoff to bank owners (“bailout rents”) depends on sovereign risk. The model’s predictions are consistent with the key features of the data.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Simon P. Lloyd (Bank of England)
Estimating nominal interest rate expectations: Overnight indexed swaps and the term structure
Simon P. Lloyd (Bank of England)
No-arbitrage dynamic term structure models (DTSMs) have regularly been used to estimate interest rate expectations and term premia, but are beset by empirical challenges. I propose augmenting DTSMs with overnight indexed swap (OIS) rates to better estimate the decomposition along the term structure at daily frequencies. A Gaussian affine DTSM, augmented with 3 to 24-month OIS rates, generates estimates of US expectations that closely correspond to survey-implied measures out to a 10-year horizon and are more stable across sub-samples, compared to existing models. In addition, I provide narrative evidence, in the form of an event study around US unconventional monetary policy announcements, to further exemplify the benefits from OIS augmentation.

中国资产管理研究中心-3039-利率上限对破产的影响: 来自发薪日贷款禁令的综合控制证据
Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Kabir Dasgupta (New Zealand Work Research Institute - Auckland University of Technology);Brenden J. Mason (North Central College)
The effect of interest rate caps on bankruptcy: Synthetic control evidence from recent payday lending bans
Kabir Dasgupta (New Zealand Work Research Institute - Auckland University of Technology), Brenden J. Mason (North Central College)
Citing consumer protection concerns, several states have recently enacted interest rate caps on small loans. After cataloguing the history of such legislation, we test whether these laws caused a decrease in the number of payday-lending establishments and subsequently prompted variation on incidence of bankruptcy filings. To motivate a causal interpretation of our estimates, we create a synthetic control that serves as a counterfactual from which we estimate the aggregate treatment effect of these interest rate ceilings. Importantly, we estimate the treatment effect for each period after the imposition of the cap, yielding novel insights about the dynamic heterogeneity in the relationship between payday-loan access and bankruptcy. Our results show payday-lending establishments drop by approximately 100%–a banishment of the industry. We find no short-run or long-run effects of these bans on bankruptcy. The range of our estimates allows us to rule out magnitudes that were documented in several previous studies.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Markus S. Broman (Whitman School of Management - Syracuse University)
摘要:本文研究了15个国家的4560对交易所交易基金(ETF)的国内需求冲击对过度购买行为和回报可预测性的重要性。在同一个国家交易的ETF的回报率相互之间有着过度的交互作用。对于流动性更强、本地市场竞争对手更多的基金而言,这些机制更为强大。相比之下,对基本面(因子)投资者具有吸引力的ETF之间的协动性并无实质性差异。基于ETF与国外同行价格偏差的本地定价衡量标准,有力地预测了ETF的收益逆转。在交易成本之后,押注于当地的错误定价可以获得高达20% 的年度异常收益。在扣除交易成本后,押注于当地的错误定价会产生每年高达20%的显著异常回报。
Local demand shocks, excess comovement and return predictability
Markus S. Broman (Whitman School of Management - Syracuse University)
I investigate the importance of local demand shocks on excess comovements and return predictability for 4560 twin-pairs of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) from 15 country-pairs. The returns on ETFs traded in the same country comove excessively with one another. These comovements are stronger for funds with greater liquidity and more competitors in the local market. In contrast, comovements are not materially different among ETFs that are attractive to fundamental (factor) investors. A local measure of mispricing, based on price-deviations between ETFs and their foreign peers, strongly predicts ETF return reversals. Betting against local mispricing yields significant abnormal returns of up to 20 percent per year after trading costs.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Zhen Wang (SILC Business School - Shanghai University);Lei Sun (Boston Consulting Group);K.C. John Wei (School of Accounting and Finance - Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
摘要:Hong和Kacperczyk (2010) 指出,由于券商合并,分析师的竞争减少,这会鼓励分析师去取悦经理人,导致更大的共识乐观偏差。我们提出了分析师竞争的三个附加效应。分析师努力假说认为,较弱的竞争降低了分析师收集和分析信息的动机。羊群效应假说认为,较弱的竞争减少了分析师对职业的担忧,进而降低了羊群效应。战略偏差假说暗示,较弱的竞争可以减轻分析师在战略上偏离他人的动机。我们发现,在券商合并后,分析师关注的公司较少,并将其覆盖范围从研发费用较高的公司转向研发费用较低的公司。当私人信息不利时,他们就会减少权衡。与此同时,他们的预测变得更加分散。所有的这些发现似乎更符合分析师努力假设,而不是羊群效应或战略偏差假说。
Does competition induce analyst effort? evidence from a natural experiment of broker mergers
Zhen Wang (SILC Business School - Shanghai University), Lei Sun (Boston Consulting Group), K.C. John Wei (School of Accounting and Finance - Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Hong and Kacperczyk (2010) document that decreases in analyst competition due to broker mergers encourage analysts to please managers, leading to greater consensus optimism bias. We propose three additional effects of analyst competition. The analyst effort hypothesis suggests that weaker competition reduces analysts’ incentives to collect and analyze information. The herding hypothesis argues that weaker competition reduces analysts’ career concerns, which in turn reduces herding incentives. The strategic deviation hypothesis implies that weaker competition alleviates analysts’ incentives to strategically deviate from others. We find that after broker mergers, analysts follow fewer firms and switch their coverage from firms with more to those with less R&D expenses. They weigh their private information less when it is unfavorable. At the same time, their forecasts become more dispersed. All these findings appear to be more consistent with the analyst effort hypothesis than the herding or strategic deviation hypothesis.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Paul Geertsema (Department of Accounting and Finance - University of Auckland Business School);Helen Lu (Department of Accounting and Finance - University of Auckland Business School)
摘要:我们将大量的平均显著异常值合并到集群投资组合中。根据 Hou 等人(2020)的五因素模型,超过三分之一的集群投资组合仍然具有重要意义,这是所测试的六个基准模型中表现最好的。最佳优先搜索会得到9个因素,这9个因素包括所有集群投资组合和所有重大的异常现象,证明了对平均实现回报率进行简洁描述的可行性。预期增长因子(EG)和与应计项目相关的集群投资组合是提高定价绩效的显著因素。搜索生成的模型产生的月最大夏普平方比为0.51,大大高于当前的基准模型。
The correlation structure of anomaly strategies
Paul Geertsema (Department of Accounting and Finance - University of Auckland Business School), Helen Lu (Department of Accounting and Finance - University of Auckland Business School)
We consolidate a large number of mean-significant anomalies into cluster portfolios. More than a third of cluster portfolios remain significant under the Hou et al. (2020) five-factor model — the best performing among six benchmark models tested. A best-first search yields nine factors that subsume all cluster portfolios as well as all significant anomalies, demonstrating the feasibility of a parsimonious description of average realised returns. The expected growth factor (EG) and a cluster portfolio linked to accruals are prominent factors that improve pricing performance. The search-generated model produces a monthly maximum squared Sharpe ratio of 0.51, considerably higher than current benchmark models.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:David Bounie (Institut Polytechnique de Paris);Youssouf Camara (Institut Polytechnique de Paris)
Card-sales response to merchant contactless payment acceptance
David Bounie (Institut Polytechnique de Paris), Youssouf Camara (Institut Polytechnique de Paris)
Disruptive innovations in digital payments are happening in a large number of countries around the world. In this paper, we investigate how merchants’ acceptance of a contactless card technology affects card sales. Using score matching and difference-in-difference techniques on a unique sample of about 275,580 merchants in France, we find that accepting contactless payments in 2018 increases the card-sales amount by 15.3 percent on average (and by 17.1 percent the card-sales count) compared to merchants who do not accept contactless payments. We also find evidence that accepting contactless payments exerts a positive spillover of about 1.3 percent in the amount of contact card sales, and thus significantly increases the average annual card-sales amount and count for small merchants and new entrepreneurs.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Deniz Igan (IMF Research)Ali M. Kutan (Southern Illinois University);Ali Mirzaei (American University of Sharjah)
The real effects of capital inflows in emerging markets
Deniz Igan (IMF Research), Ali M. Kutan (Southern Illinois University), Ali Mirzaei (American University of Sharjah)
We examine the association between capital inflows and industry growth in a sample of 22 emerging market economies from 1998 to 2010. We expect more external-finance-dependent industries, in countries that host more capital inflows, to grow disproportionately faster. This is indeed the case in the pre-crisis period of 1998–2007. In a panel regression analysis using annual changes, this relationship is driven by debt, rather than equity inflows. But when we consider the long-run effects using panel cointegration tests, equity inflows are those that contribute to growth. Further, we observe a reduction in output volatility, and this association is more pronounced for equity, rather than debt inflows. These relationships, however, break down during the crisis, indicating the importance of an undisrupted global financial system for emerging markets, if they are to harness the growth benefits of capital inflows. In line with this observation, we also document that the inflows-growth nexus is stronger in countries with well-functioning banks and better institutional quality.

Journal of Banking and Finance ? Volume 119 ? October 2020
作者:Rüdiger Frey (Institute for Statistics and Mathematics - Vienna University of Economics and Business);Kevin Kurt (Institute for Statistics and Mathematics - Vienna University of Economics and Business);Camilla Damian (Institute for Statistics and Mathematics - Vienna University of Economics and Business)
摘要:一些欧元区改革提案主张建立一个由主权债券组合支持的合成证券市场。最受争议的是由Brunnermeier (2017) 等人提出的欧洲安全债券(ESBies)。ESBies和其他债券支持证券的潜在好处取决于这些产品是否真正安全。本文利用一个以制度转换为载体的仿射信用风险模型,对ESBies及其相关产品的风险进行了全面的定量研究。我们讨论了标准普尔最近提出的ESBies评级方案,分析了模型参数和附加点对ESBies信用价差大小和波动性的影响,并考虑了几种评估ESBies市场风险的方法。此外,我们将ESBies与 Leandro 和 Zettelmeyer (2019) 提出的将优先国债集中在一起而产生的合成证券进行了比较。最后,本文简要讨论了我们的分析所带来的政策含义。
How safe are european safe bonds? An analysis from the perspective of modern credit risk models
Rüdiger Frey (Institute for Statistics and Mathematics - Vienna University of Economics and Business), Kevin Kurt (Institute for Statistics and Mathematics - Vienna University of Economics and Business), Camilla Damian (Institute for Statistics and Mathematics - Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Several proposals for the reform of the euro area advocate the creation of a market in synthetic securities backed by portfolios of sovereign bonds. Most debated are the so-called European Safe Bonds or ESBies proposed by Brunnermeier et al. (2017). The potential benefits of ESBies and other bond-backed securities hinge on the assertion that these products are really safe. In this paper we provide a comprehensive quantitative study of the risks associated with ESBies and related products, using an affine credit risk model with regime switching as vehicle for our analysis. We discuss a recent proposal of Standard and Poors for the rating of ESBies, we analyse the impact of model parameters and attachment points on the size and the volatility of the credit spread of ESBies and we consider several approaches to assess the market risk of ESBies. Moreover, we compare ESBies to synthetic securities created by pooling the senior tranche of national bonds as suggested by Leandro and Zettelmeyer (2019). The paper concludes with a brief discussion of the policy implications from our analysis.

Journal of Empirical Finance, Volume 58, September 2020
作者:Ludwig B.Chincarini(University of San Francisco);Daehwan Kim(Konkuk University);Fabio Moneta(University of Ottawa)
Beta and firm age
Ludwig B.Chincarini(University of San Francisco),Daehwan Kim(Konkuk University),
Fabio Moneta(University of Ottawa)
We document a robust pattern of beta declining over the age of a firm. We find that changes in systematic risk via firm characteristics and life-cycle stages are insufficient to explain this pattern. Moreover, standard proxies for the quantity and quality of information also explain this pattern only partially. To fully explain this pattern we rely on the increasingly important role of familiarity in financial decision making: familiarity is a determinant of beta and firm age is a proxy for the degree of familiarity that investors feel toward individual stocks. To illustrate the implication of our findings, we document that when we control for firm age there is support for the CAPM and its use as an input for the cost of equity capital calculation.

Journal of Empirical Finance, Volume 58, September 2020
作者:IliasTsiakas(University of Guelph);Jiahan Li(GMO LLC, United States of America);Fabio Moneta(Haibin Zhang)
Equity premium prediction and the state of the economy
IliasTsiakas(University of Guelph),Jiahan Li(GMO LLC, United States of America),Fabio Moneta(Haibin Zhang)
We detect cyclical variation in the predictive information of economic fundamentals, which can be used to substantially improve and simplify out-of-sample equity premium prediction. Economic fundamentals based on stock-specific information (notably the dividend yield) deliver better predictions in expansions. Economic fundamentals based on aggregate information (notably the short rate) deliver better predictions in recessions. Accordingly, a simple forecast combination of one predictor that generates cyclical forecasts and one predictor that generates countercyclical forecasts can deliver statistically significant and economically valuable equity premium predictions in both expansions and recessions. A prominent two-predictor forecast combination that performs well is the dividend yield and the short rate. Strategies designed for ex-ante timing of the business cycle can provide additional economic gains in equity premium prediction.

Journal of Empirical Finance, Volume 58, September 2020
作者:Tze Chuan ‘Chewie’Ang(Deakin University);F.Y. Eric C.Lam(Hong Kong Monetary Authority);K.C. JohnWei(Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Mispricing firm-level productivity
Tze Chuan ‘Chewie’Ang(Deakin University),F.Y. Eric C.Lam(Hong Kong Monetary Authority),K.C. JohnWei(Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
This paper provides a mispricing-based explanation for the negative relation between firm-level productivity and stock returns. Investors appear to underprice unproductive firms and overprice productive firms. We find evidence consistent with the speculative overpricing of productive firms driven by investor sentiment and short sale constraints. Investors erroneously extrapolate past productivity growth and its associated operating performance and stock returns, despite their subsequent reversals. Such mispricing is perpetuated because of limits to arbitrage and is partially corrected around earnings announcements when investors are surprised by unexpected earnings news. Decomposition analysis indicates that extrapolative mispricing and limits to arbitrage explain most of the return predictability of firm-level productivity.

Journal of Empirical Finance, Volume 58, September 2020
作者:Hossein Rad(The University of Queensland);Rand Kwong Yew Low(The University of Queensland);Jo?lle Miffre(Audencia Business School)Robert Faff(The University of Queensland)
Does sophistication of the weighting scheme enhance the performance of long-short commodity portfolios?
Hossein Rad(The University of Queensland),Rand Kwong Yew Low(The University of Queensland),Jo?lle Miffre(Audencia Business School),Robert Faff(The University of Queensland)
The commodity pricing literature advocates the design of long-short portfolios based on equal weights. Relaxing the assumption of naive diversification, this article studies the benefits of applying sophisticated weighting schemes to the construction of long-short momentum and term structure portfolios. Weighting schemes based on risk minimization and risk timing are found to dominate the naive allocation and the weighting schemes based on utility maximization. This conclusion is not challenged by concerns pertaining to transaction costs, illiquidity, data mining, sub-periods, and model parameters and robustly persists when we consider as sorting signals hedging pressure, speculative pressure and, to a lower extent, basis-momentum.

Journal of Empirical Finance, Volume 58, September 2020
作者:Jiayuan Chen(University College Dublin);Di Gong(University of International Business and Economics);Cal Muckley(UCD College of Business and Geary Institute)
Stock market illiquidity, bargaining power and the cost of borrowing
Jiayuan Chen(University College Dublin)
Di Gong(University of International Business and Economics)
Cal Muckley(UCD College of Business and Geary Institute)
We show that firms with illiquid stock have higher syndicated loan spreads. This result is invariant to measurement of stock illiquidity, and is robust to a wide set of cross-sectional loan and firm features, firm and time fixed effects. It also holds using a matched difference-in-differences estimator, at an exogenous reduction in the minimum tick size of major United States exchanges, and using a two-stage least squares estimator. Stock illiquidity is shown to increase spreads more when a lead lender has a high market share or a borrower has a low credit rating. It increases spreads less when a borrower has public rated debt and it diminishes the benefit to the loan recipient of a lending relationship. Measurements of stock price informativeness and firm-level governance do not affect the stock illiquidity and loan spread relation. A rationale for these findings is that stock illiquidity impairs the bargaining power of corporate borrowers, in negotiating a loan rate, as it raises the cost of alternatively raising funds by issuing equity.

Journal of Empirical Finance, Volume 58, September 2020
作者:Paul Borochin(University of Miami);Hao Chang(Rutgers University);Yangru Wu(Rutgers University)
The information content of the term structure of risk-neutral skewness
Paul Borochin(University of Miami),Hao Chang(Rutgers University),Yangru Wu(Rutgers University)
We seek to reconcile the debate about the price effect of risk-neutral skewness (RNS) on stocks. We document positive predictability from short-term skewness, consistent with informed-trading demand, and negative predictability from long-term skewness, consistent with skewness preference. A term spread on RNS captures different information from long- and short-term contracts, resulting in stronger predictability. The quintile portfolio with the lowest spread outperforms that with highest spread by 14.64% annually. The term structure of RNS predicts earnings surprises and price crashes. We extract the slope factor from RNS term structure, estimate its risk premium, and explore its relation with several macroeconomic variables.

Journal of Empirical Finance, Volume 58, September 2020
作者:Guodong Chen(New York University at Shanghai);Minjoon Lee(Carleton University);Tong-yob Nam(U.S. Department of Treasury)
Forced retirement risk and portfolio choice
Guodong Chen(New York University at Shanghai),Minjoon Lee(Carleton University),Tong-yob Nam(U.S. Department of Treasury)
Current literature on the effect of labor income on portfolio choice overlooks that workers face a risk of being forced to retire before their planned retirement age. Using data from the Health and Retirement Study, this paper finds that the forced retirement risk is both significant and highly correlated with stock market fluctuations. Using a life-cycle portfolio choice model, this paper shows that forced retirement risk makes labor income near retirement stock-like. Therefore, contrary to conventional wisdom, those who are still working but near retirement should have a lower share of risky assets in their financial portfolios than retirees do.

Journal of Empirical Finance, Volume 58, September 2020
作者:S. GhonRhee(University of Hawaii at Manoa);Feng (Harry) Wu(Lingnan University)
Conditional extreme risk, black swan hedging, and asset prices
S. GhonRhee(University of Hawaii at Manoa),Feng (Harry) Wu(Lingnan University)
Motivated by the asset pricing theory with safety-first preference, we introduce and operationalize a conditional extreme risk (CER) measure to describe expected stock performance conditional on a small-probability market downturn (black swan). We document a significant CER premium in the cross-section of expected returns. We also demonstrate that CER explains the premia to downside beta, coskewness, and cokurtosis. CER provides distinct information regarding black swan hedging that cannot be captured by co-crash-based tail dependence measures. As we find that the pricing effect is stronger among black swan hedging stocks, this distinction helps explain the absence of premium to tail dependence.

Journal of Accounting Research ? VOL.58, NO. 4 ? September 2020
作者:RAMJI BALAKRISHNAN(University of Iowa);HAIJIN LIN(University of Houston);KONDURU SIVARAMAKRISHNAN(Rice University)
Screening Talent for Task Assignment: Absolute or Percentile Thresholds?
RAMJI BALAKRISHNAN(University of Iowa),HAIJIN LIN(University of Houston),KONDURU SIVARAMAKRISHNAN(Rice University)
Matching talents to tasks is an important part of job design. Organizations routinely use performance thresholds to group agents by talent. We see thresholds defined both in terms of an individual's own performance (absolute value) and in terms of peer performance (percentile). Intuition suggests a preference for percentile thresholds because the resulting rank‐order statistic is sufficient to assess relative talent. Yet, in the context of a task assignment problem in which the objective is to match talent with task type (using two agents and two task types), we show that absolute thresholds can dominate percentile thresholds under either of two conditions. First, flexibility in task assignment tilts the balance toward absolute thresholds. Second, performance manipulation can adversely affect the inherent advantage of percentile thresholds because they motivate agents to invest relatively more in personally costly influence activities to cast their performance in a favorable light. We examine how these results hold up when there are countably large number of agents and discuss empirical implications.

Journal of Accounting Research ? VOL.58, NO. 4 ? September 2020
作者:ANWER S. AHMED(Texas A&M University);YIWEN LI(Texas A&M University);NINA XU(University of Connecticut)
Tick Size and Financial Reporting Quality in Small‐Cap Firms: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
ANWER S. AHMED(Texas A&M University),YIWEN LI(Texas A&M University),NINA XU(University of Connecticut)
Using a natural experiment (the SEC's 2016 Tick Size Pilot Program), we investigate the effects of an increase in tick size on financial reporting quality. The tick size pilot program reduces algorithmic trading (AT) and increases fundamental investors’ information acquisition and trading activities. This in turn increases the scrutiny of managers’ financial reporting choices and reduces their incentives to engage in misreporting. Using a difference‐in‐differences research design, we find a significant decrease in the magnitude of discretionary accruals, a significant reduction in the likelihood of just meeting or beating analysts’ forecasts, and a marginally significant decrease in restatements for the treated firms in the pilot program. Furthermore, we find that the change in financial reporting quality is concentrated in treated firms experiencing decreases in AT and increases in information acquisition activities. We also find that the mispricing of accruals is significantly lower for treated firms. Taken together, our results suggest that an increase in tick size has a causal effect on firms’ financial reporting quality.

Journal of Accounting Research ? VOL.58, NO. 4 ? September 2020
作者:CHRISTINE CUNY(New York University);JUNGBAE KIM(Singapore Management University);MIHIR N. MEHTA(University of Michigan)
Politically Connected Governments
CHRISTINE CUNY(New York University),JUNGBAE KIM(Singapore Management University),MIHIR N. MEHTA(University of Michigan)
This paper examines the consequences of powerful political connections for local governments. We find that governments located within the constituencies of, and thus connected to, powerful congressional members reduce their stewardship over public resources. Using plausibly exogenous declines in the power of congressional representation, we show that the effect is causal. To better understand why connected local governments can reduce stewardship, we study electoral characteristics. Our findings suggest that the increased resources that come with powerful congressional representation allow local‐government officials to reduce stewardship without material adverse effects on their reelection prospects. In sum, we provide evidence of a cost of political connections: they weaken local governments' incentives to act in a socially optimal manner.

Journal of Accounting Research ? VOL.58, NO. 4 ? September 2020
作者:ZERO DENG(Oregon State University)
Foreign Exchange Risk, Hedging, and Tax‐Motivated Outbound Income Shifting
ZERO DENG(Oregon State University)
Although outbound income shifting to low‐tax jurisdictions provides tax savings, it is often accompanied by nontax costs. In this study, I examine whether foreign exchange (FX) risk constrains tax‐motivated outbound income shifting by U.S. multinational corporations. My findings indicate that exposure to greater currency volatility is associated with less outbound income shifting, and this effect is stronger for firms with foreign affiliates using foreign functional currencies. I also investigate whether hedging facilitates outbound income shifting. Consistent with hedging lowering costs associated with exchange rate volatility, I find that U.S. firms that use more currency derivatives tend to shift more income to low‐tax foreign jurisdictions. Overall, these findings suggest that FX risk is an important cost of outbound income shifting.

Journal of Accounting Research ? VOL.58, NO. 4 ? September 2020
作者:JIE HE(University of Georgia);XUAN TIAN(Tsinghua University);HUAN YANG(University of Massachusetts Amherst);LUO ZUO(Cornell University)
Asymmetric Cost Behavior and Dividend Policy
JIE HE(University of Georgia),XUAN TIAN(Tsinghua University),HUAN YANG(University of Massachusetts Amherst),LUO ZUO(Cornell University)
Costs are sticky on average, that is, they fall less for sales decreases than they rise for equivalent sales increases. We examine the effect of this asymmetric cost behavior on a firm's dividend policy. Given investors’ aversion to dividend cuts, we predict that firms with higher resource adjustment costs and stickier costs pay lower dividends than their peers because they are less able to sustain any higher level of dividend payouts in the future. We find evidence consistent with this prediction. Further, using a regression discontinuity design that exploits variation in labor adjustment costs generated by close‐call union elections, we provide evidence suggesting that the negative relation between cost stickiness and dividend payouts is driven by resource adjustment costs. Our paper sheds new light on the determinants of dividend policy and demonstrates the role of cost behavior in corporate decisions.

Journal of Accounting Research ? VOL.58, NO. 4 ? September 2020
作者:HENRY EYRING(The London School of Economics and Political Science)
Disclosing Physician Ratings: Performance Effects and the Difficulty of Altering Ratings Consensus
HENRY EYRING(The London School of Economics and Political Science)
I examine effects of a health care system's policy to publicly disclose patient ratings of its physicians. I find evidence that this policy leads to performance improvement by the disclosed, subjective ratings and also by undisclosed, objective measures of quality. These effects are consistent with multitasking theory, in that physicians respond to the disclosure by providing more of a shared input—time with patients—that benefits performance by ratings and underlying quality. I also find, as predicted by information cascade theory, that the ratings become jammed to some degree near initially disclosed values. Specifically, raters observe the pattern of initial ratings and follow suit by providing similar ratings. Finally, I find evidence that physicians anticipate rating jamming and so concentrate their effort on earlier performance in order to set a pattern of high ratings that later ratings follow. These results demonstrate that the disclosure of subjective ratings can benefit performance broadly but can also shift effort toward earlier performance.

Journal of Accounting Research ? VOL.58, NO. 4 ? September 2020
作者:HENRY EYRING(The London School of Economics and Political Science)
Disclosing Physician Ratings: Performance Effects and the Difficulty of Altering Ratings Consensus
HENRY EYRING(The London School of Economics and Political Science)
I examine effects of a health care system's policy to publicly disclose patient ratings of its physicians. I find evidence that this policy leads to performance improvement by the disclosed, subjective ratings and also by undisclosed, objective measures of quality. These effects are consistent with multitasking theory, in that physicians respond to the disclosure by providing more of a shared input—time with patients—that benefits performance by ratings and underlying quality. I also find, as predicted by information cascade theory, that the ratings become jammed to some degree near initially disclosed values. Specifically, raters observe the pattern of initial ratings and follow suit by providing similar ratings. Finally, I find evidence that physicians anticipate rating jamming and so concentrate their effort on earlier performance in order to set a pattern of high ratings that later ratings follow. These results demonstrate that the disclosure of subjective ratings can benefit performance broadly but can also shift effort toward earlier performance.

作者:Hector Chade (Arizona State University);Jan Eeckhout (UPF (Barcelona GSE-ICREA) and University College London)
Competing Teams
Hector Chade (Arizona State University), Jan Eeckhout (UPF (Barcelona GSE-ICREA) and University College London)
In many economic applications of matching, the teams that form compete later in market structures with strategic interactions or with knowledge spillovers. Such post-match competition introduces externalities at the matching stage: a team’s payoff depends not only on their members’ attributes but also on those of other matched teams. This article develops a large market model of matching with externalities, in which ?rst teams form, and then they compete. We analyse the sorting patterns that ensue under competitive equilibrium as well as their ef?ciency properties. Our main results show that insights substantially differ from those of the standard model without externalities: there can be multiple competitive equilibria with different sorting patterns; both optimal and competitive equilibrium matching can involve randomization; and competitive equilibrium can be inef?cient with a matching that can drastically deviate from the optimal one. We also shed light on the economic relevance of our matching model with externalities. We analyse two economic applications that illustrate how our model can rationalize the trend in within- and between-?rm inequality, and also the evolution of markups of sectors where ?rms have market power.
Keywords: Matching with externalities, Sorting, Strategic interaction, Knowledge spillovers, Wage inequality, Market power.

作者:Michael B Devereux (University of British Columbia, NBER and CEPR);
Changhua Yu (Peking University)
International Financial Integration and Crisis Contagion
Michael B Devereux (University of British Columbia, NBER and CEPR), Changhua Yu (Peking University)
International financial integration helps to diversify risk but also may spread crises across countries. We provide a quantitative analysis of this trade-off in a two-country general equilibrium model with collateral-constrained borrowing using a global solution method. Borrowing constraints bind occasionally, depending upon the state of the economy and levels of inherited debt. We examine different degrees of international financial integration, moving from financial autarky, to bond and equity market integration. Financial integration leads to a significant increase in global leverage, substantially escalates the probability of crises for any one country, and dramatically increases the degree of “contagion” across countries. Outside of crises, the impact of financial integration on macroeconomic aggregates is relatively small. But the impact of a crisis with integrated international financial markets is much less severe than that under financial market autarky. Thus, a trade-off emerges between the probability of crises and the severity of crises. Using a large cross-country database of financial crises in developing and developed economies over a forty-year period, we find evidence in support of the model.
Keywords: International ?nancial integration, Occasionally binding constraints, Financial contagion,

作者:Pablo D. Fajgelbaum (UCLA and NBER)
Labour Market Frictions, Firm Growth, and International Trade
Pablo D. Fajgelbaum (UCLA and NBER)
I study the aggregate effects of labour market frictions in a small open economy where firms grow slowly and make fixed export investments. The model features interactions between dynamic investments in exporting and search frictions with job-to-job mobility. A calibration to Argentina’s economy matching data on firm growth, worker transitions between firms, and export dynamics suggests that the real income gains from lowering frictions in job-to-job transitions are about seven times larger than comparable reductions in frictions from unemployment. Barriers to worker mobility across firms matter for the real income gains of trade-cost reductions.
Keywords: Labour market frictions, Firm growth, International trade, Job-to-job transitions.

作者:Thomas Fujiwara (Princeton, CIFAR, and NBER);Carlos Sanz (Bank of Spain)
Rank Effects in Bargaining: Evidence from Government Formation
Thomas Fujiwara (Princeton, CIFAR, and NBER), Carlos Sanz (Bank of Spain)
Theories of multilateral bargaining and coalition formation applied to legislatures predict that parties’ seat shares determine their bargaining power. We present findings that are difficult to reconcile with this prediction, but consistent with a norm prescribing that “the most voted party should form the government”. We first present case studies from several countries and regression discontinuity design-based evidence from twenty-eight national European parliaments. We then focus on 2,898 Spanish municipal elections in which two parties tie in the number of seats. We find that the party with slightly more general election votes is substantially more likely to appoint the mayor. Since tied parties should (on average) have equal bargaining power, this identifies the effect of being labeled the most voted. This effect is comparable to that of obtaining an additional seat, and is also present when a right-wing party is the most voted and the second and third most voted parties are allied left-wing parties who can form a combined majority. A model where elections both aggregate information and discipline incumbents can rationalize our results and yields additional predictions we take to the data, such as voters punishing second most voted parties that appoint mayors.
Keywords: Norms, Bargaining, Government formation, Rank effects.

作者:Alexander Guembel (Toulouse School of Economics, University of ToulouseCapitole (TSM-R));Oren Sussman (Sa?d Business School, University of Oxford)
The Pecking Order of Segmentation and Liquidity-Injection Policies in a Model of Contagious Crises
Alexander Guembel (Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse Capitole (TSM-R)), Oren Sussman (Sa?d Business School, University of Oxford)
We study a two-country setting in which leveraged investors generate fire-sale externalities, leading to financial crises and contagion. Governments can affect the incidence of financial crisis and the degree of contagion by injecting public liquidity and, additionally, by segmenting the countries’ liquidity markets. We show that segmentation allows a country to avoid contagion and fend off mild financial crises caused by a small shock to its liquidity demand, at the cost of exposing it to more severe financial crises caused by a large shock. We derive a “pecking order” result, whereby segmentation is a second-best measure that coordinated governments should use only when tax capacity constrains them from injecting liquidity. Even when segmentation is welfare-enhancing, it should be applied to public liquidity alone, never restricting the free flow of private liquidity across countries. Uncoordinated governments tend to use segmentation excessively.
Keywords: Contagion, Fire sales, Financial crisis, Financial stability, Segmentation, Liquidity injection.

作者:Adam M Guren (Boston University and NBER);Timothy J McQuade (Stanford University)
How Do Foreclosures Exacerbate Housing Downturns?
Adam M Guren (Boston University and NBER), Timothy J McQuade (Stanford University)
This article uses a structural model to show that foreclosures played a crucial role in exacerbating the recent housing bust and to analyse foreclosure mitigation policy. We consider a dynamic search model in which foreclosures freeze the market for non-foreclosures and reduce price and sales volume by eroding lender equity, destroying the credit of potential buyers, and making buyers more selective. These effects cause price-default spirals that amplify an initial shock and help the model fit both national and cross-sectional moments better than a model without foreclosure. When calibrated to the recent bust, the model reveals that the amplification generated by foreclosures is significant: ruined credit and choosey buyers account for 25.4% of the total decline in non-distressed prices and lender losses account for an additional 22.6%. For policy, we find that principal reduction is less cost-effective than lender equity injections or introducing a single seller that holds foreclosures off the market until demand rebounds. We also show that policies that slow down the pace of foreclosures can be counterproductive.
Keywords: Housing prices and dynamics, Foreclosures, Search, Great recession.

作者:Jinyong Hahn (UCLA);Guido Kuersteiner (University of Maryland);Maurizio Mazzocco (UCLA)
Estimation with Aggregate Shocks
Jinyong Hahn (UCLA), Guido Kuersteiner (University of Maryland), Maurizio Mazzocco (UCLA)
Aggregate shocks affect most households’ and firms’ decisions. Using three stylized models, we show that inference based on cross-sectional data alone generally fails to correctly account for decision making of rational agents facing aggregate uncertainty. We propose an econometric framework that overcomes these problems by explicitly parameterizing the agents’ decision problem relative to aggregate shocks. Our framework and examples illustrate that the cross-sectional and time-series aspects of the model are often interdependent. Therefore, estimation of model parameters in the presence of aggregate shocks requires the combined use of cross-sectional and time-series data. We provide easy-to-use formulas for test statistics and confidence intervals that account for the interaction between the cross-sectional and time-series variation. Lastly, we perform Monte Carlo simulations that highlight the properties of the proposed method and the risks of not properly accounting for the presence of aggregate shocks.
Keywords: Aggregate shocks, Rational agents, Forward looking behavior, General equilibrium, Education choices, Stable convergence.

作者:Ines Helm (Stockholm University)
National Industry Trade Shocks, Local Labor Markets, and Agglomeration Spillovers
Ines Helm (Stockholm University)
Using a broad set of national industry trade shocks, I employ a novel approach to estimate agglomeration effects by exploiting within industry variation in indirect exposure to the other local industries’ (national) trade shocks across local labour markets. This variation stems from differences in local industry composition and allows to test for the existence of heterogeneous agglomeration effects across industries. I find considerable employment spillovers from other tradable industries’ trade shocks and even stronger effects within the same broad sector. Spillovers are larger for industries employing similar workers and are triggered predominantly by shocks to high-technology industries.
Keywords: Agglomeration, Local labour markets, Trade shocks.

作者:Julien Hugonnier (EPFL, Swiss Finance Institute, and CEPR);Benjamin Lester (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia);Pierre-Olivier Weill (UCLA, NBER, and CEPR)
Frictional Intermediation in Over-the-Counter Markets
Julien Hugonnier (EPFL, Swiss Finance Institute, and CEPR), Benjamin Lester (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia), Pierre-Olivier Weill (UCLA, NBER, and CEPR)
We extend Duffie et al.’s (2005) search-theoretic model of over-the-counter (OTC) asset markets, allowing for a decentralized inter-dealer market with arbitrary heterogeneity in dealers’ valuations (or, equivalently, inventory costs). We develop a solution technique that makes the model fully tractable and allows us to derive, in closed form, theoretical formulas for key statistics analysed in empirical studies of the intermediation process in OTC markets. A calibration to the market for municipal bonds allows us to quantify important unobservable characteristics of this market, including the severity of search and bargaining frictions and the nature of heterogeneity across dealers. We use our calibrated model to study the effect of these market characteristics on total welfare and the distribution of gains from trade across customers and dealers.
Keywords: Over-the-counter markets, Search frictions, Bargaining, Heterogeneous agents, Intermediation chains.

作者:Olivier Jeanne (Johns Hopkins University, NBER and CEPR);Anton Korinek (University of Virginia, Department of Economics and Darden School of Business, NBER and CEPR)
Macroprudential Regulation versus mopping up after the crash
Olivier Jeanne (Johns Hopkins University, NBER and CEPR), Anton Korinek (University of Virginia, Department of Economics and Darden School of Business, NBER and CEPR)
How should macroprudential policy be designed when policymakers also have access to liquidity provision tools to manage crises? We show in a tractable model of systemic banking risk that there are three factors at play: first, ex post liquidity provision mitigates financial crises, and this reduces the need for macroprudential policy. In the extreme, if liquidity provision is untargeted and costless or if it completely forestalls crises by credible out-of-equilibrium lending-of-last-resort, there is no role left for macroprudential regulation. Second, however, macroprudential policy needs to consider the ex ante incentive effects of targeted liquidity provision. Third, if shadow banking reduces the effectiveness of macroprudential instruments, it is optimal to commit to less generous liquidity provision as a second-best substitute for macroprudential policy.
Keywords: Financial crises, Systemic risk, Financial ampli?cation, Macroprudential regulation, Liquidity provision.

作者:Marco Di Maggio (Harvard Business School and NBER);Amir Kermani (University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business and NBER);Christopher J Palmer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management and NBER)
摘要:我们使用大量与借款人相关的抵押市场数据以及基于抵押市场分割的识别策略,发现了美联储大规模购买资产向实体经济的传导。我们发现,央行第一次量化宽松政策的抵押支持债券(QE1 MBS)购买的行为大大增加了再融资活动,减少了为再融资家庭支付的利息,导致了股权提取量激增以及总消费的增加。相对于不符合量化宽松政策的巨型抵押贷款,符合量化宽松条件的合格抵押贷款利率下降了40个基点,再融资额在QE1期间进一步增长了56%。我们估计,家庭再融资在QE1期间的持久消费增加了12%。我们的结果表明,非常规的货币政策向实体经济的传导关键取决于所购买资产的构成和市场分割的程度。
How Quantitative Easing Works: Evidence on the Refinancing Channel
Marco Di Maggio (Harvard Business School and NBER), Amir Kermani (University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business and NBER), Christopher J Palmer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management and NBER)
We document the transmission of large-scale asset purchases by the Federal Reserve to the real economy using rich borrower-linked mortgage-market data and an identification strategy based on mortgage market segmentation. We find that central bank QE1 MBS purchases substantially increased refinancing activity, reduced interest payments for refinancing households, led to a boom in equity extraction, and increased aggregate consumption. Relative to QE-ineligible jumbo mortgages, QE-eligible conforming mortgage interest rates fell by an additional 40 bp and refinancing volumes increased by an additional 56% during QE1. We estimate that households refinancing during QE1 increased their durable consumption by 12%. Our results highlight that the transmission of unconventional monetary policy to the real economy depends crucially on the composition of assets purchased and the degree of segmentation in the market.
Keywords: Quantitative Easing, Monetary policy transmission, Real effects, Mortgage re?nancing, Home equity.

作者:Navdeep S Sahni (Stanford GSB);Harikesh S Nair (Stanford GSB)
Does Advertising Serve as a Signal? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Mobile Search
Navdeep S Sahni (Stanford GSB), Harikesh S Nair (Stanford GSB)
We develop a field experiment that assesses whether advertising can serve as a signal that enhances consumers’ evaluations of advertised goods. We implement the experiment on a mobile search platform that provides listings and reviews for an archetypal experience good, restaurants. In collaboration with the platform, we randomize about 200,000 users in 13 Asian cities into exposure of ads for about 600+ local restaurants. Within the exposure group, we randomly vary the disclosure to the consumer of whether a restaurant’s listing is a paid-ad. This enables isolating the effect on outcomes of a user knowing that a listing is sponsored—a pure signalling effect. We find that this disclosure increases calls to the restaurant by 77%, holding fixed all other attributes of the ad. The disclosure effect is higher when the consumer uses the platform away from his typical city of search, when the uncertainty about restaurant quality is larger, and for restaurants that have received fewer ratings in the past. On the supply side, newer, higher rated and more popular restaurants are found to advertise more on the platform; and ratings of those that advertised during the experiment are found to be higher two years later. Taken together, we interpret these results as consistent with a signalling equilibrium in which ads serve as implicit signals that enhance the appeal of the advertised restaurants to consumers. Both consumers and advertisers seem to benefit from the signalling. Consumers shift choices towards restaurants that are better rated (at baseline) in the disclosure group compared to the no disclosure group, and advertisers gain from the improved outcomes induced by disclosure.
Keywords: Informative advertising, Signalling, Field-experiments, Restaurants, Mobile, Paid-search, Platforms.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 8 ? August 2020
作者:Julian Kozlowski (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis);Laura Veldkamp (Columbia University, Center for Economic Policy Research, and National Bureau of Economic Research);Venky Venkateswaran (New York University, National Bureau of Economic Research)
The Tail That Wags the Economy: Beliefs and Persistent Stagnation
Julian Kozlowski (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis), Laura Veldkamp (Columbia University, Center for Economic Policy Research, and National Bureau of Economic Research), Venky Venkateswaran (New York University, National Bureau of Economic Research)
The Great Recession was a deep downturn with long-lasting effects on credit, employment, and output. While narratives about its causes abound, the persistence of gross domestic product below precrisis trends remains puzzling. We propose a simple persistence mechanism that can be quantified and combined with existing models. Our key premise is that agents do not know the true distribution of shocks but use data to estimate it nonparametrically. Then, transitory events, especially extreme ones, generate persistent changes in beliefs and macro outcomes. Embedding this mechanism in a neoclassical model, we find that it endogenously generates persistent drops in economic activity after tail events.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 8 ? August 2020
作者:Kelly Bidwell (US General Services Administration)Katherine Casey (Stanford University Graduate School of Business and National Bureau of Economic Research);Rachel Glennerster (Department for International Development)
Debates: Voting and Expenditure Responses to Political Communication
Kelly Bidwell (US General Services Administration), Katherine Casey (Stanford University Graduate School of Business and National Bureau of Economic Research), Rachel Glennerster (Department for International Development)
Candidate debates have a rich history and remain integral to contemporary campaign strategy. There is, however, little evidence that they affect the behavior of voters or politicians. The scarcity of political information in the developing world offers an attractive testing ground. Using experimental variation in Sierra Leone, we find that public debate screenings build political knowledge that changes the way people vote, which induces a campaign expenditure response by candidates and fosters accountability pressure over the spending of elected officials. Results show how political communication can trigger a chain of events that begins with voters and ultimately influences policy.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 8 ? August 2020
作者:Andy Brownback (University of Arkansas);Sally Sadoff (University of California, San Diego)
摘要:在实地实验中,我们研究了绩效激励对社区大学教师的影响。教师激励措施可以提高学生的考试成绩、课程成绩和学分积累,同时减少课程辍学率。在兼职教师中的影响效果最大。在计划课程期间,教师激励措施会产生积极的溢出效应,从而提高学习之外的学生课程的完成率和成绩。该计划结束后的一年,教师激励措施增加了四年制大学的转学分率,而对两年制大学学位没有影响。我们发现没有证据表明教师激励与学生激励之间具有互补性。 最后,虽然与起初的亏损框架相比,教师最初更喜欢以收益框架为基础的合同,但经过合作后,教师对以亏损框架为基础的合同的偏好会大大增加。
Improving College Instruction through Incentives
Andy Brownback (University of Arkansas), Sally Sadoff (University of California, San Diego)
In a field experiment, we examine the impact of performance-based incentives for community college instructors. Instructor incentives improve student exam scores, course grades, and credit accumulation while reducing course dropout. Effects are largest among part-time adjunct instructors. During the program, instructor incentives have large positive spillovers, increasing completion rates and grades in students’ courses outside our study. One year after the program, instructor incentives increase transfer rates to 4-year colleges with no impact on 2-year college degrees. We find no evidence of complementarities between instructor incentives and student incentives. Finally, while instructors initially prefer gain-framed contracts over our loss-framed ones, preferences for loss-framed contracts significantly increase after experience with them.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 8 ? August 2020
作者:Amit Gandhi (University of Pennsylvania);Salvador Navarro (University of Western Ontario);David A. Rivers (University of Western Ontario)
摘要:我们研究了常用代理变量方法环境下的总产出生产函数的非参数识别问题。我们表明,将这些方法应用于总产出需要需求面额外的一些变量,比如价格。通过转换公司的一阶条件,我们为总产出开发了一种新的非参数识别策略,即使在没有其他额外变化,也可以使用该策略。蒙特卡洛(Monte Carlo)的证据和哥伦比亚和智利工厂级数据的估计表明,我们的策略表现良好,并且对于偏离基准线设置的情况非常有力。
On the Identification of Gross Output Production Functions
Amit Gandhi (University of Pennsylvania), Salvador Navarro (University of Western Ontario), David A. Rivers (University of Western Ontario)
We study the nonparametric identification of gross output production functions under the environment of the commonly employed proxy variable methods. We show that applying these methods to gross output requires additional sources of variation in the demand for flexible inputs (e.g., prices). Using a transformation of the firm’s first-order condition, we develop a new nonparametric identification strategy for gross output that can be employed even when additional sources of variation are not available. Monte Carlo evidence and estimates from Colombian and Chilean plant-level data show that our strategy performs well and is robust to deviations from the baseline setting.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 8 ? August 2020
作者:Joan Monras (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Centre de Recerca en Economia Internacional, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, and Centre for Economic Policy Research)
Immigration and Wage Dynamics: Evidence from the Mexican Peso Crisis
Joan Monras (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Centre de Recerca en Economia Internacional, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, and Centre for Economic Policy Research)
How does the US labor market absorb low-skilled immigration? In the short run, high-immigration locations see their low-skilled labor force increase, native low-skilled wages decrease, and the relative price of rentals increase. Internal relocation dissipates this shock spatially. In the long run, the only lasting consequences are (a) worse labor market conditions for low-skilled natives who entered the labor force in high-immigration years, and (b) lower housing prices in high-immigrant locations, when immigrant workers disproportionately enter the construction sector and lower construction costs. I use a quantitative dynamic spatial equilibrium many-region model to obtain the policy-relevant counterfactuals.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 8 ? August 2020
作者:Daron Acemoglu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology);Ali Cheema (Lahore University of Management Sciences and Institute of Development and Economic Alternatives);Asim I. Khwaja (Harvard Kennedy School)James A. Robinson (Harris School of Public Policy)
Trust in State and Nonstate Actors: Evidence from Dispute Resolution in Pakistan
Daron Acemoglu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Ali Cheema (Lahore University of Management Sciences and Institute of Development and Economic Alternatives), Asim I. Khwaja (Harvard Kennedy School), James A. Robinson (Harris School of Public Policy)
This paper investigates whether information about improved public services can help build trust in state institutions and move people away from nonstate actors. We find that (truthful) information about reduced delays in state courts in rural Pakistan leads to citizens reporting higher likelihood of using them and to greater allocations to the state in high-stakes lab games. We also find negative indirect effects on nonstate actors and show that these changes are a response to improved beliefs about state actors, which make individuals interact less with nonstate actors and, we argue, induce them to downgrade their beliefs about these actors.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 8 ? August 2020
作者:John Y. Campbell (Harvard University and National Bureau of Economic Research);Carolin Pflueger (University of Chicago and National Bureau of Economic Research);Luis M. Viceira (Harvard Business School and National Bureau of Economic Research)
Macroeconomic Drivers of Bond and Equity Risks
John Y. Campbell (Harvard University and National Bureau of Economic Research), Carolin Pflueger (University of Chicago and National Bureau of Economic Research), Luis M. Viceira (Harvard Business School and National Bureau of Economic Research)
Our new model of consumption-based habit generates time-varying risk premia on bonds and stocks from log-linear, homoskedastic macroeconomic dynamics. Consumers’ first-order condition for the real risk-free bond generates an exactly log-linear consumption Euler equation, commonly assumed in New Keynesian models. We estimate that the correlation between inflation and the output gap switched from negative to positive in 2001. Higher inflation lowers real bond returns, and higher output raises stock returns, which explains why the bond-stock return correlation changed from positive to negative. In the model, risk premia amplify this change in bond-stock return comovement and are crucial for a quantitative explanation.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 8 ? August 2020
作者:Sandeep Baliga (Northwestern University);Tomas Sj?str?m (Rutgers University)
The Strategy and Technology of Conflict
Sandeep Baliga (Northwestern University), Tomas Sj?str?m (Rutgers University)
Using a simple bargaining game, we investigate how strategic interactions are shaped by preferences, technology, and endowments. We study whether changes in relative military capabilities make conflicts more likely and find a nonmonotonic relationship between the cost of conflict and the probability of conflict. The game has strategic complements if the cost of conflict is small and there is a large first-mover advantage and has strategic substitutes otherwise. This characterization generates predictions regarding the use of strategic investments—for example, in defense systems. An extension of the model shows how expanding one’s territory today may increase the risk of conflict tomorrow.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 8 ? August 2020
作者:Isma?l Mourifié (University of Toronto);Marc Henry (Pennsylvania State University);Romuald Méango (Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy)
Sharp Bounds and Testability of a Roy Model of STEM Major Choices
Isma?l Mourifié (University of Toronto), Marc Henry (Pennsylvania State University), Romuald Méango (Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy)
We analyze the empirical content of the Roy model, stripped down to sector-specific unobserved heterogeneity and self-selection on the basis of potential outcomes. We characterize sharp bounds on the joint distribution of potential outcomes and testable implications of the Roy model. We apply these bounds to derive a measure of departure from Roy self-selection, so as to identify prime targets for intervention. Special emphasis is put on the case of binary outcomes. We analyze a Roy model of college major choice in Canada and Germany and take a new look at the underrepresentation of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 9 ? September 2020
作者:Greg Kaplan (University of Chicago, Institute for Fiscal Studies, and NationalBureau of Economic Research);Kurt Mitman (Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University, Centre for Economic Policy Research, and Institute for Labor Economics);Giovanni L. Violante (Princeton University, Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Institute for Fiscal Studies, Institute for Labor Economics, and National Bureau of Economic Research)
The Housing Boom and Bust: Model Meets Evidence
Greg Kaplan (University of Chicago, Institute for Fiscal Studies, and National Bureau of Economic Research), Kurt Mitman (Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University, Centre for Economic Policy Research, and Institute for Labor Economics), Giovanni L. Violante (Princeton University, Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Institute for Fiscal Studies, Institute for Labor Economics, and National Bureau of Economic Research)
We build a model of the US economy with multiple aggregate shocks that generate fluctuations in equilibrium house prices. Through counterfactual experiments, we study the housing boom-bust around the Great Recession, with three main results. First, the main driver of movements in house prices and rents was a shift in beliefs, not a change in credit conditions. Second, the boom-bust in house prices explains half of the corresponding swings in nondurable expenditures through a wealth effect. Third, a large-scale debt forgiveness program would have done little to temper the collapse of house prices and expenditures but would have dramatically reduced foreclosures and induced a small, but persistent, increase in consumption during the recovery.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 9 ? September 2020
作者:Raymond Fisman (Boston University);Arkodipta Sarkar (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology);Janis Skrastins (Washington University in St. Louis)
Vikrant Vig (London Business School)
Experience of Communal Conflicts and Intergroup Lending
Raymond Fisman (Boston University), Arkodipta Sarkar (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Janis Skrastins (Washington University in St. Louis), Vikrant Vig (London Business School)
We provide microeconomic evidence on ethnic frictions and market efficiency, using dyadic data on managers and borrowers from a large Indian bank. We conjecture that, if exposure to religion-based communal violence intensifies intergroup animosity, riot exposure will lead to lending decisions that are more sensitive to a borrower’s religion. We find that riot-exposed Hindu branch managers lend relatively less to Muslim borrowers and that these loans are less likely to default, consistent with riot exposure exacerbating taste-based discrimination. This bias is persistent across a bank officer’s tenure, suggesting that the economic costs of ethnic conflict are long-lasting, potentially spanning across generations.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 9 ? September 2020
作者:Hans Gr?nqvist (Institute for Labor Market Policy Evaluation, Uppsala Centre for Labour Studies, and Uppsala University);J. Peter Nilsson (Stockholm University and Uppsala Centre for Labour Studies);Per-Olof Robling (Stockholm University)
摘要:我们研究了儿童从出生到成年的铅暴露的影响,并提供了产生这些影响的机制的证据。 在瑞典,有80万名儿童不同程度地接触到含铅汽油,我们发现,即使低接触也会影响长期结果,男孩受到的影响更大,而且也会对非认知能力的造成影响,这部分主要会影响犯罪和人力技能。超出与普通人群的铅元素接触阈值会造成更大的影响,接触减少的程度即近期的血铅水平升高的幅度下降,可使收入增加4%。
Understanding How Low Levels of Early Lead Exposure Affect Children’s Life Trajectories
Hans Gr?nqvist (Institute for Labor Market Policy Evaluation, Uppsala Centre for Labour Studies, and Uppsala University), J. Peter Nilsson (Stockholm University and Uppsala Centre for Labour Studies), Per-Olof Robling (Stockholm University)
We study the impact of lead exposure from birth to adulthood and provide evidence on the mechanisms producing these effects. Following 800,000 children differentially exposed to the phaseout of leaded gasoline in Sweden, we find that even a low exposure affects long-run outcomes, that boys are more affected, and that changes in noncognitive skills explain a sizeable share of the impact on crime and human capital. The effects are greater above exposure thresholds still relevant for the general population, and reductions in exposure equivalent to the magnitude of the recent redefinition of elevated blood lead levels can increase earnings by 4%.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 9 ? September 2020
作者:Anna M. Costello (University of Michigan)
Credit Market Disruptions and Liquidity Spillover Effects in the Supply Chain
Anna M. Costello (University of Michigan)
How do shocks to the banking sector travel through the corporate economy? Using a novel data set of interfirm sales, I show that suppliers exposed to a large and exogenous decline in bank financing pass this liquidity shock to their downstream customers. The spillover effect occurs through two channels: a reduction in trade credit offered and a reduction in the total supply of goods and services. After exposure to the spillover, downstream customers show a spike in credit risk and a reduction in employment. Overall, the paper highlights the importance of financial spillovers in explaining corporate sector outcomes.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 9 ? September 2020
作者:Moritz Kuhn (University of Bonn, Center for Economic Policy Research, and Institute of Labor Economics);Moritz Schularick (University of Bonn and Center for Economic Policy Research);Ulrike I. Steins (University of Bonn)
摘要:本文介绍了一个新的长期数据集,该数据集来自消费者金融调查的历年档案数据。 通过研究家庭收入和财富的联合分配,我们揭示了战后美国资产组合构成和资产价格对于财富动态的核心重要性。资产价格改变了财富分配,因为沿着财富分布的家庭投资组合存在系统性差异。中产阶级投资组合以住房为主,而富裕家庭则主要拥有商业股权。股本和房价的不同变化影响了战后美国的财富动态,并使长期内的收入和财富分配脱钩。
Income and Wealth Inequality in America, 1949–2016
Moritz Kuhn (University of Bonn, Center for Economic Policy Research, and Institute of Labor Economics), Moritz Schularick (University of Bonn and Center for Economic Policy Research), Ulrike I. Steins (University of Bonn)
This paper introduces a new long-run data set based on archival data from historical waves of the Survey of Consumer Finances. Studying the joint distribution of household income and wealth, we expose the central importance of portfolio composition and asset prices for wealth dynamics in postwar America. Asset prices shift the wealth distribution because of systematic differences in household portfolios along the wealth distribution. Middle-class portfolios are dominated by housing, while rich households predominantly own business equity. Differential changes in equity and house prices shaped wealth dynamics in postwar America and decoupled the income and wealth distribution over extended periods.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 9 ? September 2020
作者:Nathan Foley-Fisher (Federal Reserve Board of Governors);Borghan Narajabad (Federal Reserve Board of Governors);Stéphane Verani (Federal Reserve Board of Governors)
Self-Fulfilling Runs: Evidence from the US Life Insurance Industry
Nathan Foley-Fisher (Federal Reserve Board of Governors), Borghan Narajabad (Federal Reserve Board of Governors), Stéphane Verani (Federal Reserve Board of Governors)
The interaction of worsening fundamentals and strategic complementarities among investors renders identification of self-fulfilling runs challenging. We propose a dynamic model to show how exogenous variation in firms’ liability structures can be exploited to obtain variation in the strength of strategic complementarities. Applying this identification strategy to puttable securities offered by US life insurers, we find that at least 40% of the $18 billion run on life insurers by institutional investors during the 2007–8 crisis was amplified by self-fulfilling expectations. Our findings suggest that other contemporaneous runs in shadow banking by institutional investors may have had a self-fulfilling component.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 9 ? September 2020
作者:Christopher Hansman (Imperial College London);Jonas Hjort (Columbia University, Center for Economic Policy and Research, and National Bureau of Economic Research);Gianmarco León-Ciliotta (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, Institute of Political Economy and Governance, andCenter for Economic Policy and Research);Matthieu Teachout (International Growth Centre)
Vertical Integration, Supplier Behavior, and Quality Upgrading among Exporters
Christopher Hansman (Imperial College London), Jonas Hjort (Columbia University, Center for Economic Policy and Research, and National Bureau of Economic Research), Gianmarco León-Ciliotta (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, Institute of Political Economy and Governance, and Center for Economic Policy and Research), Matthieu Teachout (International Growth Centre)
We study the relationship between firms’ output quality and organizational structure. Using data on the production and transaction chain that makes up Peruvian fish meal manufacturing, we establish three results. First, firms integrate suppliers when the quality premium rises for exogenous reasons. Second, suppliers change their behavior to better maintain input quality when vertically integrated. Third, firms produce a higher share of high-quality output when weather and supplier availability shocks shift them into using integrated suppliers. Overall, our results indicate that quality upgrading is an important motive for integrating suppliers facing a quantity-quality trade-off, as classical theories of the firm predict.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 9 ? September 2020
作者:Zack Cooper (Yale University and National Bureau of Economic Research);Fiona Scott Morton (Yale University and National Bureau of Economic Research);Nathan Shekita (Yale University)
Surprise! Out-of-Network Billing for Emergency Care in the United States
Zack Cooper (Yale University and National Bureau of Economic Research), Fiona Scott Morton (Yale University and National Bureau of Economic Research), Nathan Shekita (Yale University)
In the United States, hospitals and physicians independently negotiate contracts with insurers. Therefore, a privately insured individual can be treated at an in-network hospital’s emergency department but receive a large unexpected bill from an out-of-network emergency physician working at that facility. Because patients do not choose their emergency physician, emergency physicians can remain out of network and charge high prices without losing patient volume. We illustrate that this strong outside option improves physicians’ bargaining power with insurers. We conclude by analyzing New York’s efforts to address out-of-network billing through binding arbitration between physicians and insurers over out-of-network payments. This intervention reduced out-of-network billing by 12.8 percentage points (88%).

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 10 ? October 2020
作者:Benjamin Enke (Harvard University and National Bureau of Economic Research)
Moral Values and Voting
Benjamin Enke (Harvard University and National Bureau of Economic Research)
This paper studies the supply of and demand for moral values in recent US presidential elections. Using a combination of large-scale survey data and text analyses, I find support for the hypothesis that both voters and politicians exhibit heterogeneity in their emphasis on universalist relative to communal moral values and that politicians’ vote shares partly reflect the extent to which their moral appeal matches the values of the electorate. Over the last decade, Americans’ values have become increasingly communal—especially in rural areas—which generated increased moral polarization and is associated with changes in voting patterns across space.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 10 ? October 2020
作者:Andrew Glover (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City);Jonathan Heathcote (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and Centre for Economic Policy Research);Dirk Krueger (University of Pennsylvania, National Bureau of Economic Research, and Centre for Economic Policy Research);José-Víctor Ríos-Rull (University of Pennsylvania, University College London, Centro de Análisis y Estudios Ríos Perez, Centre for Economic Policy Research, and National Bureau of Economic Research)
摘要:大萧条期间劳动力收入急剧下降,资产价格下降幅度更大。这些下降造成的福利损失是如何分布在不同年龄段的?为了解决这个问题,我们构建了一个重叠代际的一般均衡模型,在模型中家庭面临着巨大的总体冲击。模型的校准版本复制了资产价格的动态变化。年轻的家庭在大萧条中会遭受更大的收入损失,但可以暂时以低迷的价格购买资产从而获益。 结果,该模型预测,年轻人的福利损失比年龄较大的人群要小。
Intergenerational Redistribution in the Great Recession
Andrew Glover (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City), Jonathan Heathcote (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and Centre for Economic Policy Research), Dirk Krueger (University of Pennsylvania, National Bureau of Economic Research, and Centre for Economic Policy Research), José-Víctor Ríos-Rull (University of Pennsylvania, University College London, Centro de Análisis y Estudios Ríos Perez, Centre for Economic Policy Research, and National Bureau of Economic Research)
The Great Recession saw sharp drops in labor earnings and even larger declines in asset prices. How were the welfare losses from these declines distributed across different age groups? To address this question we construct an overlapping-generations general equilibrium model in which households face large aggregate shocks. A calibrated version of the model replicates observed dynamics for asset prices. Younger households experience larger earnings losses in a model Great Recession, but benefit from being able to buy assets at temporarily depressed prices. As a result, the model predicts that the young experience smaller welfare losses than older cohorts.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 10 ? October 2020
作者:John William Hatfield (University of Texas at Austin);Scott Duke Kominers (Harvard University and National Bureau of Economic Research);Richard Lowery (University of Texas at Austin);Jordan M. Barry (University of San Diego)
摘要:许多市场都是联合的,包括首次公开发行(ipo)、俱乐部交易杠杆收购(club deal)杠杆收购(club deal)和债券发行(debt),在这些市场中,每个中标者都会邀请竞争对手加入一个银团来完成生产。我们发现,在银团市场中,当市场集中度下降时,合谋可能变得更容易,而市场进入可能会促进合谋。尤其是企业可以通过拒绝与任何降低合谋价格的公司联合,从而提高该公司的生产成本,从而维持合谋。因此,我们的结果可以使自相矛盾的实证观察结果合理化,尽管市场集中度较低,但许多现实世界中的辛迪加市场仍表现出合谋定价。
Collusion in Markets with Syndication
John William Hatfield (University of Texas at Austin), Scott Duke Kominers (Harvard University and National Bureau of Economic Research), Richard Lowery (University of Texas at Austin), Jordan M. Barry (University of San Diego)
Many markets are syndicated, including those for initial public offerings, club deal leveraged buyouts, and debt issuances; in such markets, each winning bidder invites competitors to join a syndicate to complete production. We show that in syndicated markets, collusion may become easier as market concentration falls and market entry may facilitate collusion. In particular, firms can sustain collusion by refusing to syndicate with any firm that undercuts the collusive price, thereby raising that firm’s production costs. Our results can thus rationalize the paradoxical empirical observations that many real-world syndicated markets exhibit seemingly collusive pricing despite low levels of market concentration.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 10 ? October 2020
作者:John William Hatfield (University of Texas at Austin)
Scott Duke Kominers (Harvard University and National Bureau of Economic Research);Richard Lowery (University of Texas at Austin);Jordan M. Barry (University of San Diego)
摘要:许多市场都是联合的,包括首次公开发行(ipo)、俱乐部交易杠杆收购(club deal)杠杆收购(club deal)和债券发行(debt),在这些市场中,每个中标者都会邀请竞争对手加入一个银团来完成生产。我们发现,在银团市场中,当市场集中度下降时,合谋可能变得更容易,而市场进入可能会促进合谋。尤其是企业可以通过拒绝与任何降低合谋价格的公司联合,从而提高该公司的生产成本,从而维持合谋。因此,我们的结果可以使自相矛盾的实证观察结果合理化,尽管市场集中度较低,但许多现实世界中的辛迪加市场仍表现出合谋定价。
Collusion in Markets with Syndication
John William Hatfield (University of Texas at Austin), Scott Duke Kominers (Harvard University and National Bureau of Economic Research), Richard Lowery (University of Texas at Austin), Jordan M. Barry (University of San Diego)
Many markets are syndicated, including those for initial public offerings, club deal leveraged buyouts, and debt issuances; in such markets, each winning bidder invites competitors to join a syndicate to complete production. We show that in syndicated markets, collusion may become easier as market concentration falls and market entry may facilitate collusion. In particular, firms can sustain collusion by refusing to syndicate with any firm that undercuts the collusive price, thereby raising that firm’s production costs. Our results can thus rationalize the paradoxical empirical observations that many real-world syndicated markets exhibit seemingly collusive pricing despite low levels of market concentration.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 10 ? October 2020
作者:Giovanni Compiani(University of Chicago)Philip Haile(Yale University);Marcelo Sant’Anna (EPGE Brazilian School of Economics and Finance)
Identification in Auction Models with Interdependent Costs
Giovanni Compiani (University of Chicago), Philip Haile  (Yale University), Marcelo Sant’Anna (EPGE Brazilian School of Economics and Finance)
Although an auction of drilling rights is often cited as an example of common values, formal evidence has been limited by the problem of auction-level unobserved heterogeneity. We develop an empirical approach for first-price sealed-bid auctions with affiliated values, unobserved heterogeneity, and endogenous bidder entry. We show that important features of the model are nonparametrically identified and apply a semiparametric estimation approach to data from US offshore oil and gas lease auctions. We find that common values, affiliated private information, and unobserved heterogeneity are all present. Failing to account for unobserved heterogeneity obscures the evidence of common values. We examine implications of our estimates for the interaction between affiliation, the winner’s curse, the auction rules, and the number of bidders in determining the aggressiveness of bidding and seller revenue.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 10 ? October 2020
作者:Soo Hong Chew (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China, and National University of Singapore);Wei Huang (Chinese University of Hong Kong);Xiaojian Zhao (Monash University and Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)
Motivated False Memory
Soo Hong Chew (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China, and National University of Singapore), Wei Huang (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Xiaojian Zhao (Monash University and Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)
People often forget and sometimes fantasize. This paper reports a large-scale experiment on memory errors and their relation to preferential traits including time preference, attitudes toward risk and ambiguity, and psychological characteristics such as anticipatory feelings. We observe systematic incidences of false memory in favor of positive events and positive amnesia in forgetting past negative events. Both positive delusion and positive confabulation significantly relate to present bias, but this is not the case for positive amnesia. In an intraperson, multiple-self model, we demonstrate that positive false memory, rather than selective amnesia, serves to enhance confidence in one’s future self in equilibrium, thereby accounting for our experimental findings.

Journal of Political Economy ? VOL. 128, Number 10 ? October 2020
作者:Eoin McGuirk (Tufts University);Marshall Burke (Stanford University and National Bureau of Economic Research)
The Economic Origins of Conflict in Africa
Eoin McGuirk (Tufts University), Marshall Burke (Stanford University and National Bureau of Economic Research)
We study the impact of global food price shocks on local violence across Africa. In food-producing areas, higher prices reduce conflict over the control of territory (“factor conflict”) and increase conflict over the appropriation of surplus (“output conflict”). We argue that this difference arises because higher prices increase the opportunity cost of soldiering for producers while simultaneously inducing consumers to appropriate surplus as real wages fall. In areas without crop agriculture, higher prices increase both forms of conflict. We validate our local-level findings on output conflict using survey data. Our findings help reconcile a growing but ambiguous literature on the economic roots of conflict.

Journal of Corporate Finance ? Volume 65 ? December 2020
作者:Joanna Ho(University of California at Irvine, USA);Cheng Jen Huang(National Chengchi University, Taiwan);Christo Karuna(Monash University, Australia)
Large shareholder ownership types and board governance
Joanna Ho(University of California at Irvine, USA), Cheng Jen Huang(National Chengchi University, Taiwan), Christo Karuna(Monash University, Australia)
This study examines the relation between large shareholder ownership and board governance in firms. Using a dataset comprising Taiwanese firms, we find that different types of large shareholder ownership influence board governance in different ways. Specifically, we find that greater family ownership is associated with greater outside director proportion on the board and a higher likelihood of CEO-chair combination. The nature of the relation between institutional ownership and board governance depends on whether the institutional owners are foreign or domestic, and active or passive. Our findings collectively suggest that family (institutional) ownership is more associated with an advisory (monitoring) board. Our study contributes to the literature by providing evidence on the multidimensional nature of the relation between large shareholder ownership types and board governance.
Keywords: Agency problems; Corporate governance; Managerial incentives; Family control; Family ownership; Institutional ownership

Journal of Corporate Finance ? Volume 65 ? December 2020
作者:Efrat Dressler(The Jerusalem School of Business Administration, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
Voice and power: Do institutional shareholders make use of their voting power?
Efrat Dressler(The Jerusalem School of Business Administration, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
I investigate the role of voting power – the ability to influence a vote's outcome – in the voting behavior of institutional shareholders. Using hand-collected data from Israel, an environment with concentrated ownership, I employ a power index borrowed from the political science literature to examine the voting power wielded by institutional shareholders and the voting patterns they display. I find that institutional shareholders' voting power is negatively related to their tendency to vote against management: the stronger the shareholder, the higher the probability they will vote in favor of a management-sponsored proposal. Based on evidence obtained here, this behavior is attributable to pre-vote negotiations as well as to the voting strategy of “counting on my vote not counting.” Next, I use detailed data on shareholders' votes to identify the channel through which a voting rule affects minority shareholder protection. I find that powerful institutional shareholders almost never use their voting power to vote against management, not even when signals of poor governance are discernible. I conclude that the effect of a voting rule on minority shareholder protection operates through proposal selection, rather than through direct voting.
Keywords:Corporate governance; Voting behavior; Voting power; Shareholder voting; Shareholder protection; Institutional shareholders; Expressive voting

Journal of Corporate Finance ? Volume 65 ? December 2020
作者:Jason Sandvik(A.B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University, United States of America)
Board monitoring, director connections, and credit quality
Jason Sandvik(A.B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University, United States of America)
Firms with poor board monitoring effectiveness receive lower credit ratings and larger credit spreads. I identify these effects by using director deaths as exogenous shocks to monitoring effectiveness. These effects are especially pronounced when firms are highly levered. Incremental decreases in monitoring effectiveness impact credit quality the most when a majority of the board members become co-opted by management and when firms are more likely to increase corporate risk.
Keywords: Board monitoring; Corporate governance; Cost of debt; Rating agency; Corporate default

Journal of Corporate Finance ? Volume 65 ? December 2020
作者:John Hackney(University of South Carolina, USA);Tyler R. Henry(Miami University, OH, USA);Jennifer L. Koski(University of Washington, USA)
Arbitrage vs. informed short selling: Evidence from convertible bond issuers
John Hackney(University of South Carolina, USA); Tyler R. Henry(Miami University, OH, USA); Jennifer L. Koski(University of Washington, USA)
Prior literature examines the effect of either informed or arbitrage short selling on equity markets. We test the relative importance of informed and uninformed short selling around convertible bond issues and earnings announcements for the same firms over the same time period. Convertible arbitrage short selling is associated with temporary price pressure, consistent with downward sloping demand curves. Earnings announcement short selling is consistent with informed traders who anticipate future returns. Firm-specific characteristics related to the cost of short selling similarly affect both informed and arbitrage short selling. Deal-specific characteristics capturing hedging demand also strongly determine convertible arbitrage short selling.
Keywords: Short selling; Informed trading; Arbitrage; Earnings announcements; Convertible bonds

Journal of Corporate Finance ? Volume 65 ? December 2020
作者:Henry Lahr(Department of Accounting and Finance, The Open University Business School,?UK; Centre for Business Research, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, Trumpington Street, UK);Timothy E. Trombley(College of Business, Illinois State University,?United States)
Early indicators of fundraising success by venture capital firms
Henry Lahr(Department of Accounting and Finance, The Open University Business School,?UK; Centre for Business Research, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, Trumpington Street, UK); Timothy E. Trombley(College of Business, Illinois State University,?United States)
We show how a venture capital firm's fundraising is affected by its investment choices. We investigate three leading indicators that are calculated from the types of investments the venture capital firms make: style drift investments, follow-on investments, and investments in which the venture capital firm is not the lead investor in the portfolio company. We find that these investment characteristics are associated with lower fundraising. Characteristics and the reaction of fundraising to characteristics are both moderately stable through time. We also find some evidence that information about investment characteristics is more important for fundraising during bad states of the world and that ex-ante characteristics are related to eventual exit outcomes and financial performance.
Keywords: Private equity; Style drift; Follow-on investments; Lead investor; Performance indicator; Venture capital; Fundraising

Journal of Corporate Finance ? Volume 65 ? December 2020
作者:Franco Fiordelisi(University of Essex, United Kingdom);Claudia Girardone(University of Essex, United Kingdom);Federica Minnucci(University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy);Ornella Ricci(Roma Tre University, Italy)
On the nexus between sovereign risk and banking crises
Franco Fiordelisi(University of Essex, United Kingdom), Claudia Girardone(University of Essex, United Kingdom), Federica Minnucci(University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy), Ornella Ricci(Roma Tre University, Italy)
The sovereign debt crisis in the euro area highlighted the close connections between the financial health of banks and sovereigns and was associated with higher funding costs and lower private sector credit. In this study, we analyze the dynamics of the co-movement between sovereign and bank credit default swaps (CDS) spreads in five sub-periods over 2010–2018 and evaluate the effects of the announcement and introduction of the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM). Our evidence demonstrates that the new bail-in regime, which ensures that troubled banks' private debtholders absorb their losses first, before public money could be used to bail them out, significantly reduced the interconnections between sovereign and banking sector risks.
Keywords: Bail-in; Banking crises; Single Resolution Mechanism; Sovereign-bank nexus; European banking
Journal of Corporate Finance ? Volume 65 ? December 2020
作者:Dongmin Kong(School of Finance, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, PR China);Yanan Wang(School of Finance, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, PR China);Jian Zhang(School of Business and Management, Shanghai International Studies University, PR China)
Efficiency wages as gift exchange: Evidence from corporate innovation in China
Dongmin Kong(School of Finance, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, PR China); Yanan Wang(School of Finance, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, PR China); Jian Zhang(School of Business and Management, Shanghai International Studies University, PR China)
This paper investigates the impact of rank-and-file employees on corporate innovation. We show that paying higher relative wages to rank-and-file employees promotes better innovation outcomes in terms of patent quantity and quality. This effect is more significant among firms with large proportions of skilled employees, industries with high levels of R&D intensity, provinces with competitive local labor markets, and non-SOEs. Further analyses reveal that efficiency wages can serve as an underlying economic channel that fosters innovation by retaining and attracting valuable human capital and stimulating their working enthusiasm. Finally, we show that technological innovation is a mechanism through which rank-and-file employees affect productivity growth and thereby affect the economy.
Keywords: Efficiency wage; Corporate innovation; Human capital

Journal of Corporate Finance ? Volume 65 ? December 2020
作者:Anna(Ania) Zalewska(CGR&IS, School of Management, University of Bath, UK);Yue Zhang(International School of Business & Finance, Sun Yat-sen University, China)
Mutual funds' exits, financial crisis and Darwin
Anna(Ania) Zalewska(CGR&IS, School of Management, University of Bath, UK); Yue Zhang(International School of Business & Finance, Sun Yat-sen University, China)
It is recognized in the literature that there is a negative relationship between fund performance and fund exit. This paper analyses the performance of 6600?U.S. mutual funds that exited the market in the 2000–2014 period and nearly twice as many U.S. mutual funds that remained operational, to provide evidence on whether the negative exit – performance relationship existed during the 2008 financial crisis. We confirm the general relationship but show that, in contrast to all the other periods, there was no statistically significant exit – performance relationship during the financial crisis. We also show that the impact of expenses and loads on fund exit increased during the crisis. This is consistent with our argument that when some active investors leave the market, the passive ones become important to fund–families, albeit the investors may lose out as a result. We also show that the mergers that occurred in the years following the financial crisis resulted in statistically significantly worse post–merger performance of both the acquirers and of the targets in comparison with their pre–merger performance.
Keywords: Agency conflict; Mutual funds; Performance; Liquidations; Mergers; Financial crisis

Journal of Corporate Finance ? Volume 65 ? December 2020
作者:Jiafu An(Faculty of Business and Law, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom)
Is there an employee-based gender gap in informal financial markets? International evidence
Jiafu An(Faculty of Business and Law, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom)
We study the impact of female production workers on firms' access to trade credits across the world. Using two sources of plausibly exogenous variations in gender bias and a difference-in-differences framework, we document that firms with more female production workers have less access to trade credits in countries with stronger gender beliefs that favor males. This relationship is largely driven by firms in industries with unexpected credit shortages and industries dominated by males. Since female firms rely more on informal finance, this study is relevant for policies that direct female firms towards formal credit markets in highly gender-biased places.
Keywords: Gender bias; Trade credit; Plough; Female employee

Journal of Corporate Finance ? Volume 65 ? December 2020
作者:Pierre Mella-Barral(TBS Business School, France)
Strategic decertification in venture capital
Pierre Mella-Barral(TBS Business School, France)
An early-round investment delivers information about the quality of a project before more funds are needed. To obtain the best early-round financing offer, the entrepreneur should then approach a venture capitalist with highest screening ability. Going for the most accurate venture capitalist can however backfire in a follow-on round of financing. He could extract advantageous terms by threatening not to reinvest: the more accurate the incumbent, the more the signal sent by his non-participation to alternative financiers would be negative. Then, the most attractive early-round venture capitalist has only intermediate screening ability. The threat of strategic decertification enhances credit rationing.
Keywords: Venture capital; Screening ability; Certification; Staged investment

Journal of Corporate Finance ? Volume 65 ? December 2020
作者:Md Miran Hossain(Cameron School of Business,?University of North Carolina Wilmington,??United States of America);David Javakhadze(College of Business, FloridaAtlantic University, United States of America)
Corporate media connections and merger outcomes
Md Miran Hossain(Cameron School of Business,?University of North Carolina Wilmington,??United States of America); David Javakhadze(College of Business, Florida Atlantic University, United States of America)
We examine the relation between acquirer social ties with the media and merger outcomes. We find that, consistent with the media management hypothesis, media connectedness is associated with the higher bid announcement return, lower takeover premium, poorer post-merger operating performance, greater likelihood of deal closure, and greater acquisitiveness. The association between media connections and merger announcement returns is more pronounced for stock deals. Examining the underlying channel, we show that the media networks are positively related to acquirers' media coverage and sentiment of the news articles during the pre-bid announcement period. Our findings are robust to alternative variable measurement as well as tests for endogeneity.
Keywords: Mergers and acquisitions; Media connections; Media coverage and sentiment

Journal of Corporate Finance ? Volume 65 ? December 2020
作者:Radoslav Raykov(Bank of Canada, Canada);Consuelo Silva-Buston(School of Management, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
Holding company affiliation and bank stability: Evidence from the US banking sector
Radoslav Raykov(Bank of Canada, Canada); Consuelo Silva-Buston(School of Management, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
Is affiliation with a multibank holding company beneficial for bank stability? We revisit this question by examining the response of market-based risk measures of independent and multibank-holding-company banks to an exogenous negative shock (the 2005 US hurricane season). We find evidence consistent with bank holding companies playing an important role in mitigating negative shocks, with affiliates of more liquid holdings remaining more stable in terms of both systemic and individual stability. We also conduct an event study showing that markets perceive multibank-holding-company banks' dynamics after the shock as value-enhancing.
Keywords: Holding company banks; Systemic risk; Financial stability

Journal of Corporate Finance ? Volume 65 ? December 2020
作者:Rients Galema(School of Economics, Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Credit rationing in P2P lending to SMEs: Do lender-borrower relationships matter?
Rients Galema(School of Economics, Utrecht University, Netherlands)
This paper studies the role of individual P2P investors that are acquainted with the borrower in mitigating credit rationing in P2P lending to SMEs. I use proprietary data provided by one of the biggest Dutch P2P lending platforms, on which personal acquaintances of the borrower are able to invest before other P2P investors do. I find that P2P investors invest more in loans of borrowers to whom they are personally acquainted. More initial investment by investors acquainted with the borrower is subsequently associated with a higher likelihood of obtaining a second loan from the P2P lender, larger investments by other P2P investors and lower ex post defaults. These results are consistent with informal lenders having superior information or monitoring skills and rational herding following informal investors' investment decisions.
Keywords: P2P lending; Credit rationing; SMEs; Informal finance

Journal of Corporate Finance ? Volume 65 ? December 2020
作者:Jing jia(School of Business and Economics, University of Tasmania, Australia);Zhongtian Li(QUT Business School, The Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
Does external uncertainty matter in corporate sustainability performance?
Jing jia(School of Business and Economics, University of Tasmania, Australia); Zhongtian Li(QUT Business School, The Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
Motivated by the prevalence of corporate sustainability and the rise of uncertainty at the national level, we investigate the impact of three sources of uncertainty; namely, economic policy, climate change, and political instability, on firms' sustainability performance. Using a sample of 6804 firms from 72 countries spanning 15?years, our study revealed that uncertainty due to climate change, economic policy, and political instability negatively affects firms' sustainability performance. This finding is in line with the real options theory that uncertainty in an external environment discourages firms' long-term investment (e.g. investment in corporate sustainability). In addition, the results show that the option for delay in sustainability investment moderated the relation between uncertainty at the national level and firms' sustainability performance. Firms with better sustainability performance had higher firm value when facing uncertainty. Interestingly, firms with higher profitability performed better in sustainability when facing uncertainty at the national level.
Keywords: Climate change; Corporate sustainability; Economic policy uncertainty; Political instability; Uncertainty

Journal of Corporate Finance ? Volume 65 ? December 2020
作者:Zhangfan Cao(Nanjing Audit University, China);William Rees(University of Edinburgh,?UK; University of Amsterdam, Netherland)
Do employee-friendly firms invest more efficiently? Evidence from labor investment efficiency
Zhangfan Cao(Nanjing Audit University, China);William Rees(University of Edinburgh,?UK; University of Amsterdam, Netherland)
We investigate the impact of employee treatment on labor investment efficiency. We provide evidence that employee-friendly treatment is significantly associated with lower deviations of labor investment from the level justified by economic fundamentals, i.e., higher labor investment efficiency. The effect of employee treatment on labor investment efficiency is stronger for firms that are human-capital-intensive, with more skilled labor and knowledge capital, and those that face higher product market competition. Using the 2008–2009 financial crisis as an external shock and applying the difference-in-difference method, we also show that employee-friendly firms have higher labor investment efficiency in the post-financial crisis period, but experience more inefficient labor investments during the crisis. Our results are robust to placebo tests, selection bias, propensity score matching, alternative explanations, alternative proxies for both employee treatment and labor investment efficiency as well as the adjustment for using residuals as dependent variables, additional control variables, and various approaches in addressing endogeneity issues.
Keywords: Employee treatment; Corporate social responsibility; Labor investment efficiency; Human capital; Financial crisis
Journal of Corporate Finance ? Volume 65 ? December 2020
作者:Sofia Johan(College of Business, Florida Atlantic University,?United States of America; Business School, The University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom; Tilburg Law and Economics Center, The Netherlands);Yelin Zhang(School of Business Administration, Gonzaga University, ?United States of America)
Quality revealing versus overstating in equity crowdfunding
Sofia Johan(College of Business, Florida Atlantic University,?United States of America; Business School, The University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom; Tilburg Law and Economics Center, The Netherlands); Yelin Zhang(School of Business Administration, Gonzaga University, ?United States of America)
This paper studies the impact of qualitative business information on mitigating information asymmetry between equity crowdfunding entrepreneurs and investors. Qualitative business information covers the entrepreneurs' introduction on business model, competitive strategy, product market, drivers and barriers for product/service adoption and business milestones. Empirical data reveal that, overall, more detailed disclosure of qualitative business information leads to better fundraising outcome. However, while entrepreneurs' excessive use of promotional language, or self-praise on business quality without factual support, is not rewarded by sophisticated investors, ordinary investors are less resistant to promotional language. We also find that Title III of the JOBS Act results in a reduction of the percentage of completed fundraisings but exacerbates the effect of project description on the percentage of completed fundraisings.
Keywords: Equity crowdfunding; Information asymmetry; Qualitative information

Journal of Corporate Finance ? Volume 65 ? December 2020
作者:Bruce D. Grundy(University of Melbourne, Australia);Patrick Verwijmeren(Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands)
The external financing of investment
Bruce D. Grundy(University of Melbourne, Australia); Patrick Verwijmeren(Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands)
This paper investigates the impact of investment characteristics on the financing choice. We investigate instances of seasoned equity, bank debt, straight non-bank debt, and convertible issues by U.S. firms where the stated use of proceeds is capital expenditure and where we are able to hand-collect and classify the characteristics of the investment. Controlling for a firm's existing assets, capital structure and valuation, we document a strong empirical link between an investment's characteristics and the choice between debt and equity financing. Factor analysis indicates that the principal determinant of the financing choice is whether an investment's payoffs can be described as a hit or miss.
Keywords: Investment characteristics; Financing; Debt-equity choice; Convertible securities

Journal of Corporate Finance ? Volume 65 ? December 2020
作者:Wei-Ming Lee(City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China)
The determinants and effects of board committees
Wei-Ming Lee(City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China)
The governance reforms of 2003 require corporate boards to establish various committees. This paper studies how these committees are structured and the corresponding impacts. I find that independent directors with long tenures and multiple board seats tend to multitask and sit on more committees. The firms that multitask their independent directors are associated with comparatively low CEO compensation and high ROA. In particular, the benefits of multitasking independent directors are more pronounced in firms with long-tenured CEOs. I contribute to the literature by showing that board performance depends not only on the directors' identities, but also on their task assignments.

Journal of Corporate Finance ? Volume 65 ? December 2020
作者:Thanh D. Huynh(Department of Banking and Finance, Monash University, Australia);Thu Ha Nguyen(Department of Banking and Finance, Monash University, Australia);Cameron Truong(Department of Accounting, Monash University, Australia)
关键词:气候变化,帕默尔干旱指数(Palmer Drought Severity Index),干旱,股权资本成本
Climate risk: The price of drought
Thanh D. Huynh(Department of Banking and Finance, Monash University, Australia); Thu Ha Nguyen(Department of Banking and Finance, Monash University, Australia); Cameron Truong(Department of Accounting, Monash University, Australia)
We document a significant positive relation between drought risk and the cost of equity capital. Our estimation shows that the cost of equity capital is 92 basis points higher for firms affected by severe drought conditions. We provide evidence that when firms are affected by droughts, firms with higher local institutional holdings exhibit a higher cost of equity capital. This result supports the well-known local bias of institutional investors, and suggests that diversification cannot fully eliminate the loss in wealth caused by droughts. Consistent with theoretical predictions, we find that drought duration and drought intensity further increase a firm's risk premium. However, for firms with diversified cash flows/investments, geographically dispersed business operations, and high cash holdings, the impact of drought on the expected return is significantly lessened. Overall, our findings show that investors require a higher rate of returns on firms affected by droughts and offer implications on how firms can mitigate the impact of droughts on their cost of capital.
Keywords: Climate change; PDSI; Drought; Cost of equity

Journal of Corporate Finance ? Volume 65 ? December 2020
作者:AneelKeswani(Cass Business School, City University London,?United Kingdom);Mamdouh Medhat(Cass Business School, City University London,?United Kingdom);Antonio F. Miguel(ISCTE–IUL, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal);Sofia B. Ramos(ESSEC Business School,?France)
Uncertainty avoidance and mutual funds
AneelKeswani(Cass Business School, City University London,?United Kingdom); Mamdouh Medhat(Cass Business School, City University London,?United Kingdom); Antonio F. Miguel(ISCTE–IUL, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal)
We study how culture influences mutual funds around the world. Uncertainty Avoidance (UA), which is related to ambiguity aversion, is negatively associated with flow-performance sensitivity, deviation from the fund benchmark, fund alpha, and the fraction of active management across the 25 countries in our sample. This is true even when controlling for an exhaustive set of fund- and country-level characteristics. We also find that a fund's deviation from its benchmark is not only affected by the UA of its domicile country but also by the UA of its fund family's country of origin. Our results highlight the importance of considering cultural characteristics, and UA in particular, when studying mutual funds across countries.
Keywords: Mutual funds; Culture; Uncertainty avoidance; Fund flows; Ambiguity; Knightian uncertainty

Journal of Financial Economics ? Vol 138 ? No 2 ? November 2020 ? Pages 295-315
作者:Fabio Braggion(Tilburg University- the Netherlands);Alberto Manconi(Bocconi University-Italy);Haikun Zhu(Erasmus University Rotterdam-the Netherlands)
Credit and social unrest: Evidence from 1930s China
Fabio Braggion (Tilburg University- the Netherlands), Alberto Manconi (Bocconi University-Italy), Haikun Zhu (Erasmus University Rotterdam-the Netherlands)
Do credit contractions trigger social unrest? To answer this question, we turn to a natural experiment from 1930s China, where the 1933 U.S. Silver Purchase program acts as a shock to bank lending. We assemble a hand-collected data set of loan contracts between banks and firms, labor unrest episodes, and underground Communist Party penetration. The Silver Purchase shock results in a severe credit contraction, and firms borrowing from banks with a larger exposure to it experience increased labor unrest and Communist Party penetration among their workers. These findings contribute to understanding the socio-political consequences of credit shocks.
Keywords: Credit shocks, Social unrest

Journal of Financial Economics ? Vol 138 ? No 2 ? November 2020 ? Pages 316-341
作者:Yong Chen(Texas A&M University-USA);Bryan Kelly(Yale University-USA);Wei Wu(Texas A&M University-USA)
Sophisticated investors and market efficiency: Evidence from a natural experiment
Yong Chen (Texas A&M University-USA), Bryan Kelly (Yale University-USA), Wei Wu (Texas A&M University-USA)
We study how sophisticated investors, when faced with shocks to information environment, change their information acquisition and trading behavior, and how these changes in turn affect market efficiency. We find that, after exogenous reductions of analyst coverage due to closures and mergers of brokerage firms, hedge funds scale up information acquisition, trade more aggressively, and earn higher abnormal returns on the affected stocks. The hedge fund participation also mitigates the impairment of market efficiency caused by coverage reductions. Overall, in a causal framework, our findings suggest a substitution effect between sophisticated investors and public information providers in facilitating market efficiency.
Keywords: Hedge funds, Information environment, Market efficiency, Information acquisition, Analyst coverage

Journal of Financial Economics ? Vol 138 ? No 2 ? November 2020 ? Pages 342-365
作者:Viral V. Acharya (New York University-USA);Bj?rn Imbierowicz (Research Centre, Deutsche Bundesbank-Germany);Sascha Steffen (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management-Germany);Daniel Teichmann (Goethe University Frankfurt- Germany)
Does the lack of financial stability impair the transmission of monetary policy?
Viral V. Acharya (New York University-USA), Bj?rn Imbierowicz (Research Centre, Deutsche Bundesbank-Germany), Sascha Steffen (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management-Germany), Daniel Teichmann (Goethe University Frankfurt- Germany)
We investigate the transmission of central bank liquidity to bank deposits and loan spreads in Europe over the period from January 2006 to June 2010. We find evidence consistent with an impaired transmission channel due to bank risk. Central bank liquidity does not translate into lower loan spreads for high-risk banks for maturities beyond one year, even as it lowers deposit spreads for both high- and low-risk banks. This adversely affects the balance sheets of high-risk bank borrowers, leading to lower payouts, lower capital expenditures, and lower employment. Overall, our results suggest that banks’ capital constraints at the time of an easing of monetary policy pose a challenge to the effectiveness of the bank-lending channel and the central bank's lender of last resort function.
Keywords: Central bank liquidity, Monetary policy transmission, Corporate deposits, Financial crisis, Lender of last resort, Loans, Real effects

Journal of Financial Economics ? Vol 138 ? No 2 ? November 2020 ? Pages 366-387
作者:John Chalmers (University of Oregon-USA);Jonathan Reuter (Boston College-USA)
关键词: 投资建议,经纪人,反事实的,违约,退休计划,目标日期基金
Is conflicted investment advice better than no advice?
John Chalmers (University of Oregon-USA), Jonathan Reuter (Boston College-USA)
The benefit of investment advice depends on the quality of advice and the investor's counterfactual portfolio. We use changes in the Oregon University System Optional Retirement Plan to highlight the impact of plan design on the counterfactual portfolios of advice seekers. When brokers are available and target date funds (TDFs) are not, brokers help participants with high predicted demand for advice bear market risk, but they recommend higher-commission options. When brokers are removed and TDFs are added, new high-predicted-demand participants primarily invest in TDFs, which offer similar market risk but higher Sharpe ratios than the broker-advised portfolios within our sample.
Keywords: Investment advice, Broker, Counterfactual, Default, Retirement plan, Target date fund

Journal of Financial Economics ? Vol 138 ? No 2 ? November 2020 ? Pages 388-414
作者:Tomas Breach(UC Berkeley-USA);Stefania D’Amico(Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago-USA);Athanasios Orphanides(MIT Sloan School of Management-USA)
The term structure and inflation uncertainty
Tomas Breach (UC Berkeley-USA), Stefania D’Amico (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago-USA), Athanasios Orphanides (MIT Sloan School of Management-USA)
To assess the importance of inflation risk for nominal Treasury yields, a novel quadratic term structure model with time-varying inflation risk is estimated using survey-based inflation uncertainty. The resulting yield decomposition captures very diverse macroeconomic dynamics of inflation and real risk premiums (large and positive during the 1980s but small and negative post-2008) and generates sensible high-frequency estimates of expected inflation and real short rates over a long sample. The explicit link between the model-implied factors and macro fundamentals reveals that short- but not long-run fluctuations are unspanned by yields, consistent with an interest rate policy unresponsive to transient inflation shocks.
Keywords: Quadratic-Gaussian term structure models, Inflation risk premium, Survey forecasts, Hidden factors


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