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[发布日期]:2018-12-18  [浏览次数]:

Pacific-Basin Finance Journal ? February 2018 ? Volume 48, Pages 35-55


作者:Fei Su (Finance Discipline Group, UTS Business School, University of Technology Sydney),

Jingjing Zhang (Institute for Social and Economic Research, Nanjing Audit University, No. 86, Yushan West Rd, Nanjing, China)



Global price discovery in the Australian dollar market and its determinants

Fei Su (Finance Discipline Group, UTS Business School, University of Technology Sydney), Jingjing Zhang (Institute for Social and Economic Research, Nanjing Audit University, No. 86, Yushan West Rd, Nanjing, China)


With Australia's growing importance in the global economy, the Australian dollar (AUD) has started to play a significant role in the global Foreign Exchange (FX) market. Using intraday trading data over the period of January 1999 to December 2013, we examine the determinants of price discovery in the AUD markets at two different time horizons. We find that the short-run determinants of price discovery include macroeconomic news, order flows and market state variables (i.e., return, volatility, trading volume and bid/ask spread). After controlling for the cross-region information flow and dynamic self-dependence, we find that more favorable market states and more unexpected order flows on macroeconomic news announcement days make a significant contribution to price discovery in the AUD market. Furthermore, we found that a higher level of market integration and consolidation contributes to price discovery process in the long-run.

Keywords: Price discovery, Foreign exchange market, Information share, Macroeconomic news, Market integration and consolidation



上一条:【RAS】高/低于营业收入的财务报告对公司和投资者是否重要?来自中国的投资收益案例 下一条:【JAE】内部董事会网络的影响:来自封闭式基金的证据
