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[发布日期]:2018-05-22  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial Economics·Volume 128, Issue 3·June 2018


作者:Luigi Guiso(EIEF; CEPR)

Paola Sapienza(CEPR; Northwestern University; NBER)

Luigi Zingales(CEPR; NBER; University of Chicago)


Time varying risk aversion

Luigi Guiso(EIEF; CEPR)

Paola Sapienza(CEPR; Northwestern University; NBER)

Luigi Zingales(CEPR; NBER; University of Chicago)


Exploiting portfolio data and repeated surveys of an Italian bank's clients, we test whether investors’ risk aversion increases following the 2008 crisis. We find that, after the crisis, both qualitative and quantitative measures of risk aversion increase substantially and that affected individuals divest more stock. We investigate four explanations: changes in wealth, expected income, perceived probabilities, and emotion-based changes of the utility function. Our data are inconsistent with the first two channels, while they suggest that fear is a potential mechanism underlying financial decisions, whether by increasing the curvature of the utility function or the salience of negative outcomes.



上一条:【JBF】同群效应,个人特征和资产分配 下一条:【FM】从逆风中学习:面对逆境的债务融资
