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[发布日期]:2018-05-31  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis. Volume 53, Issue 2 April 2018


作者:David Aboody (UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management)

Omri Even-Tov (University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business)

Reuven Lehavy(University of Michigan Ross School of Business)

Brett Trueman(UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management)


Overnight Returns and Firm-Specific Investor Sentiment

David Aboody (UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management)

Omri Even-Tov (University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business)

Reuven Lehavy(University of Michigan Ross School of Business)

Brett Trueman(UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management)


We examine the suitability of using overnight returns to measure firm-specific investor sentiment by analyzing whether they possess characteristics expected of a sentiment measure. We document short-term overnight-return persistence, consistent with existing evidence of short-term persistence in the share demand of sentiment-influenced investors. We find that short-term persistence is stronger for harder-to-value firms, consistent with existing evidence that sentiment plays a larger role for such firms. We show that stocks with high (low) overnight returns underperform (outperform) over the longer term, consistent with prior evidence of temporary sentiment-driven mispricing. Overall, our evidence supports using overnight returns to measure firm-specific sentiment.

原文链接: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-financial-and-quantitative-analysis/article/overnight-returns-and-firmspecific-investor-sentiment/20DD2F7ABA4BBEB2C2327DDD51E10559


上一条:【FAJ】由电子显微镜引发的对高频交易的思考 下一条:【RFS】国外国内偏差:国内行业和国外投资组合选择
