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[发布日期]:2018-05-09  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis. Volume 53, Issue 2 April 2018


作者:Joel Hasbrouck (Foster School of Business, University of Washington)


High-Frequency Quoting: Short-Term Volatility in Bids and Offers

Joel Hasbrouck (Foster School of Business, University of Washington)


At subsecond horizons, bids and offers in U.S. equity markets are more volatile than what would be implied by long-term fundamentals. To assess costs and consequences, this paper suggests that traders’ random delays (latencies) interact with quote volatility to generate execution price risk and relative latency costs. Analysis of the behavior of quote setters suggests that this volatility is more likely to arise from recurrent cycles of undercutting similar to the Edgeworth cycles found in product markets rather than mixed strategies of limit-order placement.

原文链接: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-financial-and-quantitative-analysis/article/highfrequency-quoting-shortterm-volatility-in-bids-and-offers/B4BD84DAD1B0C6577EA51A47C0A8B70C


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