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【Review of Finance】是否存在破产风险异象?在截面股票收益中的系统违约风险定价

[发布日期]:2018-04-13  [浏览次数]:

Review of Finance, Volume 22, Issue 2, March 2018


作者:Deniz Anginer (Development Research Group, World Bank, USA),

?elim Y?ld?zhan (University of Georgia, USA)


Is There a Distress Risk Anomaly? Pricing of Systematic Default Risk in the Cross-section of Equity Returns

Deniz Anginer (Development Research Group, World Bank, USA), ?elim Y?ld?zhan (University of Georgia, USA)


The standard measures of distress risk ignore the fact that firm defaults are correlated and that some defaults are more likely to occur in bad times. We use risk premium computed from corporate credit spreads to measure a firm’s exposure to systematic variation in default risk. Unlike previously used measures, the credit risk premium explicitly accounts for the non-diversifiable component of distress risk. In contrast to prior findings in the literature, we find that stocks with higher systematic default risk exposures have higher expected equity returns which are largely explained by the Fama–French risk factors. We confirm the robustness of these results by using an alternative systematic default risk factor for firms that do not have bonds outstanding.



上一条:【JBF】股权质押条例对股票交易和公司估值的影响 下一条:【JF】资产定价模型的比较
