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[发布日期]:2018-03-26  [浏览次数]:

Financial Analyst Journal, Volume 71, Issue 5, 2015


作者:William Fallon (Goldman Sachs Asset Management), James Park (Goldman Sachs Asset Management), Danny Yu (Goldman Sachs Asset Management)


Asset Allocation Implications of the Global Volatility Premium

William Fallon (Goldman Sachs Asset Management), James Park (Goldman Sachs Asset Management), Danny Yu (Goldman Sachs Asset Management)


The authors examined the role of volatility premiums in institutional investment portfolios. They began by defining and calculating standardized returns to volatility exposure for a variety of global asset markets. They found that shorting volatility offers not only a very high and statistically significant Sharpe ratio of approximately 1.0 but also substantial tail risk. Although classic diversification benefits are limited, the authors show that modest allocations to short volatility exposure could have enhanced long-term returns, in one case increasing the portfolio’s combined Sharpe ratio by 12%.




上一条:【The Accounting Review 】常规任务的投入和产出目标对创造性任务表现的影响 下一条:【JFM】动量投资中历史价格的演变
