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[发布日期]:2018-04-02  [浏览次数]:

The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 31, Issue 3, 10 March 2018


作者:George P Gao(T. Rowe Price and The Johnson School at Cornell University)

Pengjie Gao (Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame)

Zhaogang Song(Carey Business School, Johns Hopkins University)


Do Hedge Funds Exploit Rare Disaster Concerns?

George P Gao(T. Rowe Price and The Johnson School at Cornell University);Pengjie Gao (Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame);Zhaogang Song(Carey Business School, Johns Hopkins University)


We find hedge funds that have higher return covariation with a disaster concern index, which we develop through out-of-the-money puts on various economic sector indices, earn significantly higher returns in the cross-section.We provide evidence that these funds' managers are more skilled at exploiting the market's ex ante rare disaster concerns (SEDs), which may not be associated with disaster risk. In particular, high-SED funds, on average, outperform low-SED funds by 0.96% per month, but have less exposure to disaster risk. They continue to deliver superior future performance when SEDs are estimated using the disaster concern index purged of disaster risk premiums and have leverage-managing and extreme market-timing abilities.



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