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[发布日期]:2018-03-02  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial Economics·Volume 127, Issue 2·February 2018


作者:Benjamin Golez(University of Notre Dame)

Peter Koudijs(Stanford University; NBER)



Four centuries of return predictability

Benjamin Golez(University of Notre Dame), Peter Koudijs(Stanford University; NBER)


We combine annual stock market data for the most important equity markets of the last four centuries: the Netherlands and UK (1629–1812), UK (1813–1870), and US (1871–2015). We show that dividend yields are stationary and consistently forecast returns. The documented predictability holds for annual and multi-annual horizons and works both in- and out-of-sample, providing strong evidence that expected returns in stock markets are time-varying. In part, this variation is related to the business cycle, with expected returns increasing in recessions. We also find that, except for the period after 1945, dividend yields predict dividend growth rates.

Keywords:Dividend-to-price ratio, Return predictability, Dividend growth predictability



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