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[发布日期]:2018-03-10  [浏览次数]:

The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 31, Issue 2, 1 February 2018


作者:Ranadeb Chaudhuri(Oakland University)

Zoran Ivkovi?(Michigan State University)

Charles Trzcinka(Indiana University)


Cross-Subsidization in Institutional Asset Management Firms

Ranadeb Chaudhuri(Oakland University);Zoran Ivkovi?(Michigan State University);Charles Trzcinka(Indiana University)


We study cross-subsidization among U.S. equity products managed by institutional asset management firms. We find returns-based evidence consistent with both cross-subsidization receipt by strong recent performers that are relatively small in their firms and provision by products that are relatively large in their firms. Tax-exempt investors and taxable investors do not have a clear ranking by expertise, but tax-exempt investors’ agency issues are more complex. Accordingly, taxable clients have more flow-performance nonlinearity and receive more (and provide less) cross-subsidization. Taxable investor flows appear more discerning, but only under the circumstances conducive to cross-subsidization, suggesting that “more discerning” likely means “more cross-subsidized.”



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