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【JBF】捕捉价值溢价 - 来自基于公允价值的投资略的全球证据

[发布日期]:2018-02-23  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Banking and Finance ·Volume 86, Pages 53-69· JAN 2017

捕捉价值溢价 - 来自基于公允价值的投资略的全球证据

作者:René-Ojas Woltering (Ecole h?telière de Lausanne, HES-SO // University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland; IREBS International Real Estate Business School, University of Regensburg)

Christian Weis (IREBS International Real Estate Business School, University of Regensburg)

Felix Schindler (Steinbeis University Berlin)

Steffen Sebastian (IREBS International Real Estate Business School, University of Regensburg)




Capturing the value premium – global evidence from a fair value-based investment strategy

René-Ojas Woltering (Ecole h?telière de Lausanne, HES-SO // University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland; IREBS International Real Estate Business School, University of Regensburg) Christian Weis (IREBS International Real Estate Business School, University of Regensburg) Felix Schindler (Steinbeis University Berlin) Steffen Sebastian (IREBS International Real Estate Business School, University of Regensburg)


This paper examines the risk premium of value stocks within a global investment strategy framework. We test whether absolute or relative mispricing is better suited to capturing the global value premium by using fair value-based net asset values (NAVs) as our proxies for fundamental value. We find that investing in the most underpriced stocks relative to the average ratio of price to fundamental value in a country is the key to achieving superior risk-adjusted returns. The annualized excess return of the global value portfolio sorted according to relative mispricing is 10.0%, and remains significant after controlling for common risk factors.

Keywords: Value premium, Global diversification, Net asset value, Investment strategy




