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【Review of Finance】投资者情绪、有限套利和现金持有效应

[发布日期]:2017-11-08  [浏览次数]:

Review of Finance, Volume 21, Issue 6, 1 October 2017


作者:Xiaofei Li (University of Nottingham, UK),

Di Luo (Swansea University, UK)



Investor Sentiment, Limited Arbitrage, and the Cash Holding Effect

Xiaofei Li (University of Nottingham, UK), Di Luo (Swansea University, UK)


We examine the investor sentiment and limits-to-arbitrage explanations for the positive cross-sectional relation between cash holdings and future stock returns. Consistent with the investor sentiment hypothesis, we find that the cash holding effect is significant when sentiment is low, and it is insignificant when sentiment is high. In addition, the cash holding effect is strong among stocks with high transaction costs, high short selling costs, and large idiosyncratic volatility, indicating that arbitrage on the cash holding effect is costly and risky. In line with the limits-to-arbitrage hypothesis, high costs and risk prevent rational investors from exploiting the cash holding effect.



上一条:【FM】投资者情绪与期权/股票交易量比的回报率预测力 下一条:【FAJ】新闻与情绪测度:从新闻中预测股票收益
