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[发布日期]:2017-10-26  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Accounting and Economics · Volume 64 Issue 1 · AUG 2017


作者:Abhishek Srivastav(Leeds University Business School),

Kevin Keasey(Leeds University Business School)

Sabur Mollah(Hull University Business School)

Francesco Vallascas(Leeds University Business School)



CEO turnover in large banks: Does tail risk matter?

Abhishek Srivastav(Leeds University Business School), Kevin Keasey(Leeds University Business School),Sabur Mollah(Hull University Business School),Francesco Vallascas(Leeds University Business School)


In a cross-country setting we show the probability of a forced CEO turnover in large banks is positively associated with idiosyncratic tail risk. This finding is strengthened the greater the competition in the banking industry and when stakeholders have more to lose in the case of distress. Overall, the exposure to idiosyncratic tail risk offers valuable signals to bank boards on the quality of the choices made by CEOs. In contrast, systematic tail risk becomes important for forced CEO turnovers only in the presence of a major variation in the costs this risk generates for shareholders and the organization.

Keywords: Tail risk, CEO turnover, Bank governance




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