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【The Accounting Review 】公司的盈利趋势和股票的横截面收益

[发布日期]:2017-10-26  [浏览次数]:

The Accounting Review, Vol. 92, No. 5, September 2017


作者:Ferhat Akbas (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Chao Jiang (University of South Carolina)

Paul D. Koch (The University of Kansas)


The Trend in Firm Profitability and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns

Ferhat Akbas (University of Illinois at Chicago), Chao Jiang (University of South Carolina), Paul D. Koch (The University of Kansas)


This study shows that the recent trajectory of a firm's profits predicts future profitability and stock returns. The predictive information contained in the trend of profitability is not subsumed by the level of profitability, earnings momentum, or other well-known determinants of stock returns. The profit trend also predicts the earnings surprise one quarter later, and analyst forecast errors over the following 12 months, suggesting that sophisticated investors underreact to the information in the profit trend. On the other hand, we find no evidence of investor overreaction, and our results cannot be explained by well-known risk factors.



上一条:【CFR】周末效应不再存在 下一条:【FAJ】最优选择:加入持久性特征的投资组合
