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[发布日期]:2017-09-13  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial Markets, Available online 15 July 2017, In Press, Corrected Proof


作者:Li-Wen Chen (Department of Finance, National Chung Cheng University), Hsin-Yi Yu, Wen-Kai Wang (Department of Finance, National University of Kaohsiung)



Evolution of historical prices in momentum investing

Li-Wen Chen (Department of Finance, National Chung Cheng University), Hsin-Yi Yu, Wen-Kai Wang (Department of Finance, National University of Kaohsiung)


We find that the acceleration and deceleration patterns of historical prices are predictive of future expected returns in momentum investing in the U.S. equity market from 1962 to 2014. Winners with accelerated historical price increases deliver higher future expected returns and losers with accelerated historical price decreases perform more poorly in the future. Hence, the profit from buying past accelerated winners and shorting past accelerated losers is significantly higher than the momentum profit by 51.47%. Such profit cannot be subsumed by certain characteristics that have been considered to explain momentum. Possible explanations for our results include extrapolative bias and overreaction.

Keywords:Momentum; Historical price evolution; Extrapolation; Overreaction



上一条:【CFR】再论实质和非实质信息的市场反应 下一条:【JFQA】高频交易者之间的相互作用
