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[发布日期]:2017-09-25  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Banking & Finance · Vol.76 · MARCH 2017


作者:Benjamin M.Blau(Utah State University -- Jon M. Huntsman School of Business)

Tyler J.Brough (Utah State University -- Jon M. Huntsman School of Business)

Todd G.Griffith(the University of Mississippi - School of Business)



Bank opacity and the efficiency of stock prices

Benjamin M.Blau(Utah State University -- Jon M. Huntsman School of Business), Tyler J.Brough (Utah State University -- Jon M. Huntsman School of Business), Todd G.Griffith(the University of Mississippi - School of Business)


Prior research argues that the process of intermediation is opaque and produces uncertainty about the riskiness of banks, which may adversely affect the efficiency of bank stock prices. Using the Hou and Moskowitz (2005) measure of price delay, which captures the inefficiency of stock prices, we test for, and find evidence supporting the idea that opacity is positively associated with price delay. Bank stocks have markedly higher delay than similar non-bank stocks. This higher level of delay is driven, in part, by market-based measures of informational opacity as well as the asset composition of the bank's balance sheet. Combined, our findings suggest that bank opacity reduces the efficiency of financial markets.

Keywords: Opacity, Friction, Price delay, Market efficiency, Intermediation risk, Impulse response functions




上一条:【JPM】稳健的因子投资 下一条:【JF】社会资本、信任与企业绩效:金融危机中企业社会责任的价值
