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[发布日期]:2017-09-25  [浏览次数]:

Contemporary Accounting Research · Volume 34, Issue 2 · Summer 2017


作者:Mary Ellen Carter(Carroll School of Management, Boston College)

Francesca Franco(London Business School)

Mireia Gine(IESE Business School, Universidad de Navarra, WRDS, The Wharton School)


Executive Gender Pay Gaps: The Roles of Female Risk Aversion and Board Representation

Mary Ellen Carter(Carroll School of Management, Boston College), Francesca Franco(London Business School), Mireia Gine(IESE Business School, Universidad de Navarra, WRDS, The Wharton School)


Using a large sample of executives in S&P 1500 firms over 1996–2010, we document significant salary and total compensation gaps between female and male executives and explore two possible explanations for the gaps. We find support for greater female risk aversion as one contributing factor. Female executives hold significantly lower equity incentives and demand larger salary premiums for bearing a given level of compensation risk. These results suggest that females’ risk aversion contributes to the observed lower pay levels through its effect on ex ante compensation structures. We also find evidence that the lack of gender diversity on corporate boards affects the size of the gaps. In firms with a higher proportion of female directors on the board, the gaps in salary and total pay levels are lower. Together, these findings suggest that female higher risk aversion may act as a barrier to full pay convergence, despite the mitigating effect from greater gender diversity on the board.




上一条:【JF】基于劳动力的资本资产定价模型 下一条:【JCF】并购交易中的共同基金:存在内部信息的推销吗?
