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[发布日期]:2017-07-07  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Banking & Finance ·Vol.78·MAY 2017


作者:Charles Cao (Smeal College of Business, Pennsylvania State University), Peter Iliev (Smeal College of Business, Pennsylvania State University), Raisa Velthuis (Villanova School of Business, Villanova University)



Style drift: Evidence from small-cap mutual funds

Charles Cao (Smeal College of Business, Pennsylvania State University), Peter Iliev (Smeal College of Business, Pennsylvania State University), Raisa Velthuis (Villanova School of Business, Villanova University)


This paper documents that small-cap mutual funds allocate on average 27% of their portfolio to mid- and large-cap stocks. We find that larger and older small-cap funds are more likely to hold mid- and large-cap stocks, consistent with funds straying from their objective over time. Funds that invest heavily in mid- and large-cap stocks expose their investors to unanticipated risks but investors do not experience higher abnormal returns or performance persistence overall. These funds did outperform their peers by 3% annually in the most recent period between January 2003 and March 2010.

Keywords: Mutual funds, Small-cap, Investment objectives, Style drift




上一条:【JF】瞬时暴跌:在电子市场中的高频交易 下一条:【Pacific-Basin Finance Journal】共同基金经理的择时能力
