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【Financial Analysts Journal】投资者如何计算贴现率?他们使用CAPM

[发布日期]:2017-06-12  [浏览次数]:

Financial Analysts Journal·VOL73,NO.2·April/May 2016.


作者:Jonathan B. Berk (Graduate School of Business, Stanford University), Jules H. van Binsbergen (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania)


How Do Investors Compute the Discount Rate? They Use the CAPM

Jonathan B. Berk (Graduate School of Business, Stanford University), Jules H. van Binsbergen (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania)


We provide guidance to corporate managers and investors on how to select the discount rate when evaluating investment opportunities. When making corporate investment decisions on behalf of the equity investors in a firm, an obvious choice is to use the method that equity investors use in making their own investment decisions. We infer how investors compute the discount rate by looking at mutual fund investors’ capital allocation decisions. We find that investors adjust for risk by using the beta of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). Extensions to the CAPM perform poorly, implying that investors do not use these models to compute discount rates.

原文链接: http://dx.doi.org/10.2469/faj.v73.n2.6


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