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【Financial Analysts Journal】主动投资比率和积极管理的三大支柱:技术,信念和机会

[发布日期]:2017-06-22  [浏览次数]:

Financial Analysts Journal· VOL73, NO.2·April/May2016.


作者:Martijn Cremers (professor of finance at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana)


Active Share and the Three Pillars of Active Management: Skill, Conviction, and Opportunity

Martijn Cremers (professor of finance at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana)


This article relates Active Share to the fund manager’s individual stock-picking skill, conviction, and opportunity. I propose a new formula for Active Share that emphasizes that a fund’s Active Share is reduced only through overlapping holdings with its benchmark. I show why and how to adjust the expense ratio for the level of Active Share and the cost of investing in the benchmark. I conclude that Active Share matters for the performance of actively managed funds. Investors should not pay (too) much for low-Active Share funds, which generally underperform. But there is no evidence that high-Active Share funds as a group have underperformed, and patient managers with high Active Share have been quite successful.



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