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[发布日期]:2017-06-05  [浏览次数]:

Review of Finance, Volume 21 Issue 1, March 2017, Pages 237-267


作者:Jones, CS (Univ Southern Calif, Marshall Sch Business), Pomorski, L (AQR Capital Management LLC)



Investing in Disappearing Anomalies

Jones, CS (Univ Southern Calif, Marshall Sch Business), Pomorski, L(AQR Capital Management LLC)


We argue that anomalies may experience prolonged decay after discovery and propose a Bayesian framework to study how that impacts portfolio decisions. Using the January effect and short-term index autocorrelations as examples of disappearing anomalies, we find that prolonged decay is empirically important, particularly for small-cap anomalies. Papers that document new anomalies without accounting for such decay may actually underestimate the original strength of the anomaly and imply an overstated level of the anomaly out of sample. We show that allowing for potential decay in the context of portfolio choice leads to out-of-sample outperformance relative to other approaches.

原文链接: https://academic.oup.com/rof/article/21/1/237/2669994/Investing-in-Disappearing-Anomalies


上一条:【RAPS】特质风险变动和特质风险-收益关系 下一条:【JFM】序列相关、状态转换和存在交易成本下的止损策略
