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[发布日期]:2017-05-08  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial Markets, Available online 22 April 2017, In Press


作者:Xiuqing Ji (College of Business, Governors State University, University Park), J. Spencer Martin (Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Melbourne), Yaqiong Yao (Department of Accounting and Finance, Lancaster University Management School)



Macroeconomic risk and seasonality in momentum profits

Xiuqing Ji (College of Business, Governors State University, University Park), J. Spencer Martin (Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Melbourne), Yaqiong Yao (Department of Accounting and Finance, Lancaster University Management School)


We contribute to the growing debate on the relation between macroeconomic risk and stock price momentum. Not only is momentum seasonal, so is its net factor exposure. We show that winners and losers only differ in macroeconomic factor loadings in January, the one month when losers overwhelmingly outperform winners. In the remainder of the year, when momentum does exist, winner and loser factor loadings offset nearly completely. Furthermore, the magnitude of macroeconomic risk premia appears to seasonally vary contra momentum. In contrast, the relatively new profitability factor does a much better job of capturing the described seasonality.

Keywords:Momentum; Macroeconomic risk; ROE; Seasonality; January effects

原文链接: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1386418115300598


上一条:【JF】为何投资新兴市场?不对称条件收益的作用 下一条:【RF】CEO年龄和股票价格崩盘风险
