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[发布日期]:2017-02-28  [浏览次数]:

Review of Accounting Studies· Volume 21, Issue 1, March 2016


作者:AE Bernardo (UCLA Anderson School of Management), H Cai (Guanghua School of Management), J Luo (Nanyang Technological University)



Earnings vs. stock-price based incentives in managerial compensation contracts

AE Bernardo(UCLA Anderson School of Management), H Cai(Guanghua School of Management), J Luo(Nanyang Technological University)


We develop a theory of stock-price-based incentives even when the stock price does not contain information unknown to the firm. In our model, a manager must search for and decide on new investment projects when the market may have a difference of opinion about the quality of the firm’s investment opportunities. The firm optimally provides incentives based solely on realized earnings, leading to an efficient investment policy, when the market has congruent or pessimistic beliefs; however, the firm optimally introduces stock-price-based incentives, leading to an inefficient investment policy, when the market has optimistic beliefs. If the firm can raise equity capital on favorable terms, negative NPV projects from the perspective of the firm may be positive NPV projects from the perspective of current shareholders. The firm motivates the manager to take such projects by basing some compensation on the current stock price.

Keywords: Compensation;Investment policy;Mispricing




上一条:【MS】金融冲击的扩散:风险投资案例 下一条:【JFM】相关性模糊下的有限参与
