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[发布日期]:2017-03-13  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis · Volume 52, Issue 1 February 2017, pp. 1-35


作者:Aeorge O. Aragon (W. P. Carey School of Business), Vikram Nanda (Rutgers Business School)


Strategic Delays and Clustering in Hedge Fund Reported Returns

Aeorge O. Aragon (W. P. Carey School of Business), Vikram Nanda (Rutgers Business School)


We use a novel database to study the timeliness of hedge fund monthly performance disclosures. Managers engage in strategic timing: poor monthly returns are reported with delay, sometimes clustered with stronger subsequent performance, suggestive of “performance smoothing.” We posit that propensity to delay could reveal operational risk and/or poor managerial quality. Consistent with this, a portfolio strategy that buys (sells) funds with historically timely (untimely) reporting delivers 3% annual-style-adjusted returns. Investor flows are lower following reporting delays, although there are potential benefits to managers from delaying reporting when performance is sufficiently poor. We conclude that timely disclosure is an important consideration for hedge fund managers and investors.




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