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[发布日期]:2017-03-13  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Finance, Volume 72,Issue 1,February 2017,Pages 461-494


作者:Tyler R. Henry (Miami University), Jennifer L. Koski (University of Washington)


Ex-Dividend Profitability and Institutional Trading Skill

Tyler R. Henry (Miami University), Jennifer L. Koski (University of Washington)


We use institutional trading data to examine whether skilled institutions exploit positive abnormal ex-dividend returns. Results show that institutions concentrate trading around certain ex-dates, and earn higher profits around these events. Dividend capture trades represent 6% of all institutional buy trades but contribute 15% of overall abnormal returns. Institutional dividend capture trading is persistent. Institutional ex-day profitability is also strongly cross-sectionally related to trade execution skill. The relation between execution skill and profits disappears around placebo non-ex-days. Results suggest that skilled institutions target certain opportunities rather than benefiting uniformly over time. Furthermore, only skilled institutions can profit from dividend capture.、




上一条:【JBF】套利限制和特质波动:来自中国股市的证据 下一条:【JFM】另类资产对养老基金投资组合的总效益
