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[发布日期]:2017-02-10  [浏览次数]:

REVIEW OF FINANCIAL STUDIES·(2017)30(2):539-587 doi:10.1093/rfs/hhw072·First published online: September 22, 2016


作者:Michael Katz (AQR Capital Management), Hanno Lustig (Stanford GSB and NBER), Lars Nielsen (AQR Capital Management)


Are Stocks Real Assets? Sticky Discount Rates in Stock Markets

Michael Katz (AQR Capital Management), Hanno Lustig (Stanford GSB and NBER), Lars Nielsen (AQR Capital Management)


Local stock markets adjust sluggishly to changes in local inflation. When the local rate of inflation increases, local investors subsequently earn lower real returns on local stocks, but not on local bonds or foreign stocks, suggesting that local stock market investors use sticky long-run nominal discount rates that are too low when inflation increases because they are slow to update the inflation expectations in discount rates. Small amounts of stickiness in inflation expectations suffice to match the real stock return predictability induced by inflation in the data. We also consider other explanations, such as nominal cash flow extrapolation.




上一条:【JFE】私募股权业绩的持续性研究——基于交易层面的数据 下一条:【RF】优于预期:可变年金基金的隐藏动态
