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【Pacific-Basin Finance Journal】那些交易股票的CEO会采取更激进的公司投资策略吗?

[发布日期]:2017-02-17  [浏览次数]:

Pacific-Basin Finance Journal Volume 40, Part B, December 2016, Pages 349–366


作者: Reza Bradrania (University of South Australia), P. Joakim Westerholm (The University of Sydney Business School), James Yeoh (The University of Sydney Business School)


Do CEOs who trade shares adopt more aggressive corporate investment strategies?

Reza Bradrania (University of South Australia), P. Joakim Westerholm (The University of Sydney Business School), James Yeoh (The University of Sydney Business School)


This paper investigates whether CEOs who have active share trading accounts engage in higher levels of corporate investment. Individuals who allocate a higher proportion of their wealth to equities, as opposed to fixed income assets, are by definition less risk averse. We find that this behavioral attribute is consistent in both the personal and corporate domain. Corporations with trader CEOs have higher capital expenditures and make significantly more acquisitions, and CEOs with higher portfolio turnover engage in riskier forms of corporate investment. The findings shed light on how shareholders can better align CEO preferences with their own. These conclusions are robust to adjustments for potential endogeneity in the choice of CEO for a specific firm and sample selection bias.



上一条:【MS】对冲基金与股票市场有效性 下一条:【JBF】信任与股价崩盘风险——来自中国的证据
