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[发布日期]:2017-01-13  [浏览次数]:

Review of Accounting Studies,March 2016, Volume 21, Issue 1, pp 37–88


作者:Danling Jiang (Florida State University-Department of Finance), Alok Kumar (University of Miami- Department of Finance), Kelvin K. F. Law (Tilburg University-Department of Accountancy)



Political contributions and analyst behavior

Danling Jiang (Florida State University-Department of Finance), Alok Kumar (University of Miami- Department of Finance), Kelvin K. F. Law (Tilburg University-Department of Accountancy)


We show that the personal traits of analysts, as revealed by their political donations, influence their forecasting behavior and stock prices. Analysts who contribute primarily to the Republican Party adopt a more conservative forecasting style. Their earnings forecast revisions are less likely to deviate from the forecasts of other analysts and are less likely to be bold. Their stock recommendations also contain more modest upgrades and downgrades. Overall, these analysts produce better quality research, which is recognized and rewarded by their employers, institutional investors, and the media. Stock market participants, however, do not fully recognize their superior ability as the market reaction following revisions by these analysts is weaker.

Keywords: Equity analysts; Political contribution; Conservative analysts; Forecasting style; Market reaction



上一条:【JEF】提高资产泡沫起止时间预测指标的准确性 下一条:【JAE】从宏观到微观:国家依赖、公司基本面与股票收益
