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[发布日期]:2017-01-13  [浏览次数]:

Critical Finance Review, 2016, 5: 351–398


作者:Bhagwan Chowdhry (University of California, Los Angeles), Eduardo Schwartz (University of California, Los Angeles)


How Should Firms Hedge Market Risk?

Bhagwan Chowdhry (University of California, Los Angeles), Eduardo Schwartz (University of California, Los Angeles)


Consider a firm whose stock returns are affected by market returns and an idiosyncratic market-orthogonal factor. The level of the firm’s cash flows depends on the level of the market and the level of the idiosyncratic factor multiplicatively because of compounding. Although a large hedge against the market index minimizes the variance of cash flows, such a hedge does not minimize the costs of financial distress associated with low cash flow realizations below a debt threshold. A hedge ratio based on asset-rate-of-return regression estimates is then incorrect. This holds even in continuous time and with dynamic hedging policies. Our paper provides a simple heuristic for corporations wishing to hedge out the adverse consequences of market risk.



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