学校主页 | 中文 | English


[发布日期]:2016-10-25  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Empirical Finance 39 (2016.12)


作者:Dongcheol Kima (Korea University Business School), Haejung Nab (Department of Finance and Law, College of Business and Economics, California State University)



The forecast dispersion anomaly revisited: Time-series forecast dispersion and the cross-section of stock returns

Dongcheol Kima (Korea University Business School), Haejung Nab (Department of Finance and Law, College of Business and Economics, California State University)


Previous studies use cross-sectional forecast dispersion in examining the relation between forecast dispersion and future stock returns and report an anomalous negative dispersion-return relation. This paper examines how time-series forecast dispersion is distinct in the relation to stock returns from the negative dispersion-return relation. We find that contrary to the previously-known negative dispersion-return relation, there is a strong positive relation between time-series forecast dispersion and stock returns. We also find that time-series forecast dispersion apparently contains systematic risk components and that such risk is priced in stock returns.

Keywords: Analysts' earnings forecasts; Time-series forecast dispersion; Cross-sectional forecast dispersion; Systematic risk components




上一条:【Financial Analysts Journal】两个世纪的价格回报动量 下一条:【JFQA】对冲基金的股票头寸估值
