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[发布日期]:2016-10-08  [浏览次数]:

The Journal of Financial Economics Volume 117, Issue2, August 2015, Pages333-349


作者:Henrik Cronqvist (China Europe International Business School), Stephan Siegel (University of Washington-Michael G. Foster School of Business), Frank Yu (China Europe International Business School)



Value versus growth investing: Why do different investors have different styles?

Henrik Cronqvist (China Europe International Business School), Stephan Siegel (University of Washington-Michael G. Foster School of Business), Frank Yu (China Europe International Business School)


We find that several factors explain an individual investor's style, i.e., the value versus growth orientation of the investor's stock portfolio. First, we find that an investor's style has a biological basis and is partially ingrained in an investor from birth. Second, we show that an investor's hedging demands as well as behavioral biases explain investment style. Finally, an investor's style is explained by life course theory in that experiences, both earlier and later in life, are related to investment style. Investors with adverse macro-economic experiences (e.g. growing up during the Great Depression or entering the labor market during an economic recession) or who grow up in a lower socioeconomic status rearing environment have a stronger value orientation several decades later. Our research contributes a new perspective to the long-standing value and growth debate in finance.

Keywords: Investment behavior , Portfolio choice , Value investing , Growth investing



上一条:【RFS】稳健的贝叶斯投资组合选择 下一条:【RFS】个人投资者把交易当作一项有趣和刺激的赌博活动了吗?来自重复自然实验的证据
