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【Pacific-Basin Finance Journal】决定韩国横截面股票收益的因素:评估最近的实验性证据

[发布日期]:2016-07-23  [浏览次数]:

Pacific-Basin Finance Journal·Volume 38, June 2016, Pages 88–106


作者:Jaehoon Hahn, Heebin Yoon



Determinants of the cross-sectional stock returns in Korea: evaluating recent empirical evidence

Jaehoon Hahn, Heebin Yoon


This paper provides empirical evaluation of recently proposed determinants of the cross-sectional stock returns in Korea, taking into account recent critique of empirical asset pricing literature such as the low power of test diagnostics and the bias induced by noise in prices. We do not find convincing empirical evidence supporting the Fama-French three-factor model as a benchmark asset pricing model for risk adjustment. In addition, empirical evidence indicates that the bias induced by noisy prices is substantial enough in mean returns of equal-weighted portfolios to change the economic and statistical significance of the estimated risk premium for factor portfolios, suggesting that researchers exercise caution in designing factor portfolios and interpreting results.

Keywords:empirical asset pricing, liquidity, share turnover, Fama-Macbeth regression, GMM




上一条:【RFS】卖空限制的实际效应 下一条:【JCF】法人股东和SEO择时
