学校主页 | 中文 | English


[发布日期]:2016-07-29  [浏览次数]:

Financial Management, Volume 44, Issue 4, pages 947–979, Winter 2015.


作者:Jun Huang and Albert Y. Wang



The Predictability of Managerial Heterogeneities in Mutual Funds

Jun Huang and Albert Y. Wang


Using a sample of Chinese mutual funds, we empirically assess how managerial heterogeneity affects mutual fund performance. We find that funds with higher manager fixed effects outperform those with lower manager fixed effects by 2% per year. We also note that fund performance improves after managers with higher fixed effects are hired. The results are consistent with the notion that manager fixed effects are associated with managerial innate ability. Finally, we find that investors pay attention to managerial attributes beyond the traditional performance measures, providing supporting evidence for the rational explanation of convex flow-performance sensitivity in the literature.

Keywords: Mutual Funds, Managerial Heterogeneities, Fixed Effects



上一条:【JF】横截面股票收益的总跳和波动性风险 下一条:【JBF】公允价值披露、流动性风险和股票收益率
