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【The Accounting Review 】常规任务的投入和产出目标对创造性任务表现的影响

[发布日期]:2018-03-26  [浏览次数]:

The Accounting Review, November 2018, Vol. 93, No. 1, pp. 29-43.


作者:Alexander Brüggen (Maastricht University, Nederland), Christoph Feichter(Maastricht University, Nederland), Michael G. Williamson (University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, USA)


在员工可以自由支配一些时间远离日常例行任务而去做创造性努力的工作环境下,我们检查不具约束力的例行任务目标所花费的时间(投入目标)和/或产出的数量 (产出目标) 是否影响创造性的任务表现。实验室实验的结果表明,对常规任务同时提出投入和产出目标,相对于仅提出一个或没有任何的目标,会导致更好的创造性任务表现。这一结果与理论一致,即个人需要指导完成多少日常工作,以实现他们创造性思维所必需的认知闭合。然而,个人也需要指导,鼓励他们限制在相对舒适的日常工作中的时间,并花时间在更开放的创造性尝试上。通过设定员工在日常工作中需要完成的任务的期望,允许员工在一定比例的工作时间里进行创造性的努力,组织可以提高这一实践的功效。

The Effect of Input and Output Targets for Routine Tasks on Creative Task Performance

Alexander Brüggen (Maastricht University, Nederland), Christoph Feichter(Maastricht University, Nederland), Michael G. Williamson (University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, USA)


In an environment where employees have the freedom to direct some time away from their day-to-day routine tasks to work on creative endeavors, we examine whether nonbinding targets for the amount of time to spend (input target) and/or the amount of output to produce (output target) on the routine task affects creative task performance. Results of a laboratory experiment demonstrate that providing both an input and an output target on the routine task leads to greater creative task performance relative to providing one or none of these targets. This result is consistent with theory suggesting that individuals need guidance as to how much routine work to complete in order to achieve the cognitive closure necessary for them to think creatively. However, individuals also need guidance that encourages them to limit time on their relatively comfortable routine work and spend time on more open-ended creative endeavors. By setting expectations as to what employees need to achieve on their more routine day-to-day responsibilities, organizations can increase the efficacy of the growing practice of allowing employees to spend a portion of their work week on creative endeavors.



上一条:【FM】公司现金持有与收购 下一条:【FAJ】资产配置对全球波动性溢价的影响
